December 31, 2020
December 24, 2020
December 17, 2020
December 10, 2020
December 3, 2020
November 26, 2020 Happy Thanksgiving!
November 19, 2020
November 12, 2020
November 5, 2020
October 29, 2020
October 22, 2020
October 15, 2020
October 8, 2020
October 1, 2020
September 24, 2020
September 17, 2020
September 10, 2020
September 3, 2020
August 27, 2020
August 20, 2020
August 13, 2020
August 6, 2020
July 30, 2020
July 23, 2020
July 16, 2020
July 9, 2020
July 2, 2020
June 25, 2020
June 18, 2020
June 11, 2020
June 4, 2020
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May 21, 2020
May 14, 2020
May 7, 2020
April 30, 2020
April 23, 2020
April 16, 2020
April 9, 2020
April 2, 2020
March 26, 2020
March 19, 2020
March 12, 2020
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February 27, 2020
February 20, 2020
February 13, 2020
February 6, 2020
January 30, 2020
January 23, 2020
January 16, 2020
January 09, 2020
January 02, 2020
Six players this week. Five made it to the first break.
10 minutes later there were only 3. Jon was racking up the chips. He had 9,084 to Jerry's 1,692 and Kathy's 1,224. Then Kofi joined making it four players. That lasted about 5 minutes until Kathy hit top pair and Kofi had an over-pair. Jon still led with 9,160. Now Kofi was second with 3,410 and Jerry trailed with 1,430. 5 hands later, Jerry got it in with AK and Kofi called with AT. The flop was KA5, so it looked like Jerry would double up. Until the turn brought a T and the river was a blank. Jerry was out in third. Jon had 9,424 and Kofi had 4,576 going into heads-up. It was over a few minutes later when Jon turned trips. Jon really put on a clinic this time.
Good game! - See you next year!
TopOnly two players this week.
Tonight's game only lasted 15 minutes. Kathy took the early lead and had Jerry all-in with two pairs to his top pair. The board paired and giving them both two pair, but Jerry had the better kicker. Kathy had less than 300 chips, but ran it up to nearly her starting stack. All the chips went in when she had KQ and Jerry had pocket 8's. Kathy didn't hit and Jerry took the win.
Good game!
Top10 players this week. 9 players made it to the first break.
Down to 5 players at the one hour mark.
12 minutes later they were down to 3. Kofi had the big lead with 10,071. Jerry was next with 7,626 and Jim was still alive with 2,303. Jerry went out a few minutes later when he shoved with KQ and got called by AJ and A2. The queen on the flop put him ahead, but the A on the turn did him in. Jim took the bulk to the pot to give him 6,819 chips. He still trailed Kofi's 13,181.
Kofi still lead at the second break with 13,981 to Jim's 6,019. It was over a few minutes later when Jim shoved post-flop with AJ and Kofi had flopped top-pair and an open-ended straight draw (and a back-door flush draw). With all those outs he couldn't fold. (and he was ahead) Jim didn't improve, but Kofi made hi straight on the turn to lock it up.
Good game!
Top12 players again this week. 8 players made it to the first break.
6 players made it to the one hour mark.
4 players made it to the second break.
Kofi busted out in 4th 10 minutes later. He shoved with pocket 8's and Sadik called with KQ off. The queen on the flop was enough to bust out Kofi. Kathy was leading with 9,552 but Kofi was now right behind with 8,330. Marv was lurking with 6,118. 10 minutes later Kathy shoved with KT and Sadik called with KJ. A jack on the flop eliminated Kathy and gave Sadik 20,044 chips to Marv's 3,956. Marv shoved his A2 and was called by Sadik's A9. Neither improved and Sadik's kicker played so he got the win!
Well Done!
TopOnly 6 players this week. (probably the rest were in turkey coma) One player dropped out and another player joined at the first break.
4 players made it to the one hour mark.
Jim went out 15 minutes later. That left Marv with a slight lead over Kathy (5,158 to her 5,127). Jerry was holding down third place with 3,625. Kathy busted out Marv a few minutes before the 2nd break. That gave Kathy a big lead over Jerry with 10,728 to his 3,272.
Jerry made a good come-back. He even lead at one time, but Kathy was just luckier and it was her scoring the win!
Good Game!
TopOnly 6 players this week. (probably the rest were in turkey coma) One player dropped out and another player joined at the first break.
4 players made it to the one hour mark.
Jim went out 15 minutes later. That left Marv with a slight lead over Kathy (5,158 to her 5,127). Jerry was holding down third place with 3,625. Kathy busted out Marv a few minutes before the 2nd break. That gave Kathy a big lead over Jerry with 10,728 to his 3,272.
Jerry made a good come-back. He even lead at one time, but Kathy was just luckier and it was her scoring the win!
Good Game!
Top10 players this week. We lost one player right at the first break.
After the break, they started falling like dominoes. By the one hour mark, there were only 4 players remaining.
The four players lasted almost 15 minutes. The Jon's pocket kings got cracked by Tony's ace and Jon was eliminated. Tony took the lead with the hand (8,813 chips). Tugrul had 6,329 and Howie was still very live with 4,858. A few hands later Tugrul busted Howie's pocket eights and took him out. Tugrul also took the lead with 11,062 chips to Tony's 8,938. 3 hands later Tugrul hit trip kings on the river to bust Tony's flopped two-pair and take the win!
Good Game!
Top9 players this week and everyone was getting big hands early! 2 went out before the first break (and 1 was on life support).
Jon took out 2 more players on the first hand after the break. He hit an ace with his AK to bust the pocket 8s and Kings of his opponents. Twenty minutes later they were down to 3 players. Jon had the big lead with 8,181. Jerry was next with 6,865 and Sadik was in third with 2,699.
Jon had extended his lead by the one hour mark. He had 10,350 to Sadik's 4,175 and Jerry's 3100. Sadik had a better ace to bust out Jerry 10 minutes later. Jon still lead with 10,000 but Sadik was right behind with 8,000. Sadik made good comeback and managed to hit his straight to bust out Jon a few minutes later.
Well Done!
Top11 players this week (including one new player). 2 went out before the first break.
Only 4 players were left at the one hour mark. Jon hit a set to bust out Kathy right at the 1 hour mark. Jon had the lead with 9,606. Jim was next with 8,423 and Howie was making a good first appearance with 3,971.
Howie went out 20 minutes later. Jon still led with 11,485, but Jim was right behind with 10,515.
The game ended 15 minutes after the second break when Jim hit a pair and a straight draw, but Jon had flopped the straight and took the win.
Well Done!
Top8 players this week (with several arriving after the first break!), 2 went out before the first break.
One more went out before the one hour mark.
10 minutes later they were down to 3. Jim had the lead with 7,669. Peter was right behind with 6,121. And Jon was in the mix with 2,210. 5 minutes later, Jon was no longer in the mix. Jim still had the lead with 9,169 and Peter was still right behind with 6,831.
It was over a few minutes later. Peter shoved pre-flop and hit bottom pair on the flop. Unfortunately (for him), Jim had hit top pair and Peter couldn't catch-up.
Good Game
TopSeven players this week, 6 made it to the first break.
4 players made it to the one hour mark.
Half way to the next break - Jerry rivered a flush to bust out Kathy. He held the lead with 10,329. Tony was next with 2,181 and Marv held third with 1,490. Jerry woke up with pocket queens a couple of hands later to bust out Tony. He led Marv 12,355 to 1,645.
It was over 5 minutes later. Despite a couple of double-ups, Jerry rivered a straight to end Marv's night.
Good Game
TopNine players this week, 8 made it to the first break.
There were still 5 players at the one hour mark.
10 minutes later, there were only 3. Jerry was in third place with 4,400. Bobby was next with 5,600 and Tugrul led with 8,000.
Bobby fell out after leading most of the night. That left Jerry with 2,000 against Tugrul's 16,000
Jerry had improved a little by the second break. He had 3,500 to Tugrul's 14,500. It was over ten minutes later when Jerry shoved with A5 and Tugrul called with his A7. Jerry hit flopped a 5, but Tugrul flopped a 7. Jerry didn't improve and the game was over.
Good Game
TopSeven players this week. Five made it to the first break.
Just before the one hour mark, Kofi's pocket jacks beat out Jon's pocket 10's to bring it down to 3 players. That made Kofi the chip leader with 8,636. Jim was next with 3,285 and Mehmet was still in it with 2,079.
Mehmet was ahead with his Aces and Jack kicker and got Kofi to call his all-in with Aces and a 3 kickers. The 3 came on the river and eliminated Mehmet. The next hand, Jim shoved with his A4, Kofi called with AK. AK held up and gave Kofi the win.
Well Done
TopEleven players this week. Nine players made it to the first break.
And 6 made it to the one hour mark.
Kofi woke up with pocket kings just before the 2nd break. He got two callers. He had them both covered and his kings held! Now they were down to 3. Kofi led with 9,020. Mehmet was next with 7,602 and Jon was still healthy with 5,378.
John took out Mehmet a few hands after the break, when he hit 2-pair and Mehmet only had one pair. It was neck-and-neck with Kofi having 11,300 to Jon's 10.700. Jon was whittling away at Kofi's stack. He finished him off when he flopped a straight and Kofi shoved with his second pair
Nice game Jon!
TopTwelve players this week. Eight players made it to the first break (with one sitting out).
Only five made it to the one hour mark.
One more left before the 2nd break.
David R. lasted a few more hands, but he busted out, leaving Kofi with the lead (10,542), but Tugrul was right behind with 9,423. Mehmet is always a threat - especially with 4,035 chips. Kofi took out Mehmet about 5 minutes later. He was now heads-up against Tugrul with of lead of 14,607 to his 9,393. A few hands later, they both flopped pairs. Kofi had top pair and Tugrul had 2nd pair. Neither improved and Kofi won! (he was the one sitting out the first 30 minutes :-) )
Good Game All!
TopTen players this week. Only 7 players made it to the first break.
They were down to 3 at the one hour mark. Jerry had the big lead with 10,248. Jim was next with 6,983. Jon trailed with 2,769. A few hands later Jon went out and it was Jerry with 14,742 to Jim's 5,258.
The game ended a few minutes later when they both flopped trip kings, but Jerry had the better kicker.
Good Game All!
TopA staggering 15 players this week. 12 made it to the first break.
Only six players made it to the one hour mark.
Jim was short just before the second break. He shoved with his pocket 8's and Bobby called him with AQ. The queen on the turn did him in and there were only 3 left. Kofi led with 11,733 but Tugrul was right behind with 9,420 and Bobby (thanks to Jim's chips) was close with 8,847.
Tugrul went out about 20 minutes later when he shoved with his flush draw, only to be called by Bobby with his better flush draw and a pair. Neither improved and Tugrul was out. Bobby now led with 19,835 to Kofi's 10,165. I few hands later it was over. Kofi shoved with king high and Bobby called with his pocket aces. It didn't end well for Kofi.
Great Game!
TopOnly 7 players this week. Six of them made it to the first break.
They were down to 4 by the one hour mark.
Kathy went out a few minutes later when Sadik flopped a straight to bust her pocket kings. Sadik was the big leader with 8,876 chips. Jon was next with 3,425 and Mehmet trailed with 1,699. Jon took out Mehmet a few hands later. That gave Jon 7,124 against Sadik's 6,876. Jon lost some ground, but managed to win it back and more. He hit top pair to take the game!
Well Done!
TopAn even dozen players this week. Nine players made it to the first break.
Only five players left at the one hour mark.
A few minutes later they were down to three. Peter held third place with 3,651. Jerry had a slight lead over the birthday girl, with 10,452 to her 9,897. Peter went out a few hands later. Jerry still led with 12,858 to Kathy's 11,142. Then Kathy rivered a full house to crack Jerry's straight and leave him severely short stacked. He fought back - but it was not to be. Kathy took the win! Happy Birthday!
Good game!
TopEight players this week. One went out before the first break.
Jon hit a boat about 10 minutes before the second break to eliminate 2 players. That gave him the lead with 7,789. Jim was next with 5,467 and Jerry trailed with 2,744. Jerry lasted a few minutes before he gave his chips to Jim. Jon still led with 8,694 to Jim's 7,306.
Jon whittled away at Jim and finally put him away 20 minutes later. Jon scores his second win in a row!
Good game!
TopFOURTEEN players this week! A dozen made it to the first break.
Nine players made it to the one hour mark.
A few minutes before the second break, Jim hit top pair on the flop with an ace for a kicker. He shoved and Mehmet called with his over-pair. Mehmet's hand held up and Jim was out in fourth. Lecia was the short stack with 4,226. Mehmet moved to second with 11,790. But, it was the newcomer - Sadik, who led with 11,984.
Lecia held out as long as she could, but the blinds were too high and she fell out in 3rd. Mehmet had taken over the lead with 14,394. But Sadik was right behind with 13,606. But it was Sadik who led a few hands later when he hit a set of 5's. Mehmet had top pair, but couldn't catch-up and Sadik took the win.
Well done!
Send okars1 $5.00 Zahit is collecting for Sadik.
TopBack to 9 players! Seven made it to the first break.
Five players remained at the one hour mark.
Four players made it to the second break.
A few minutes later Jon's pocket 7's held up against Jim's over-cards to bust him out in fourth and give Jon the lead with 7,481 chips. Second was held by a newcomer Tugrul. He had 5,488 to Kathy's 5,031. Three hands later Kathy took the chip lead when she busted Tugrul and ended up with 11,769. Jon still had 6,231 and either of them could take it! Kathy was whittling away at Jon when he shoved with AT off-suit. Kathy called with her A5 of hearts. Kathy hit a five on the flop, Jon didn't improve and it was over
Great game!
TopDown to 6 players this week. Again, everyone made it to the first break.
Three players went out in the next 10 minutes. That left Zahit with a big chip lead. (5,619). Jon was next with 3,571 and Kathy was still alive with 2,810. Kathy was out a few minutes later. Zahit had extended his lead to 8,559 over Jon's 3,441.
The game ended just before the one hour mark. Jon hit a full-house (6's over 9's), but Zahit had the better boat (9's over 6's). That left Jon with less than a big blind - and Zahit took that in the next hand.
Good game!
TopOnly 8 players started this week.
Everyone made it to the first break.
David S went out a few minutes before the one hour mark when his pocket kings were busted by Peter's trip queens. That left 3 players contending for the win. Kathy had the lead with 7,007. Peter was right behind with 6,146 and Mehmet was still a factor with 2,847.
Mehmet's pocket 6's couldn't hold up against Peter's two overcards and he went out about 15 minutes before the second break. Peter now led with 9,748 to Kathy's 6,252.
Kathy had gained a little ground by the second break. She now had 6,872 to Peter's 9.128.
It ended a couple of minutes later when Kathy's two-pair wasn't quite as good as Peter's and he took the win!
Well Done!
Send Lawyer7399 $5.00 (I'm collecting for Peter)
Top9 started players this week and still had 8 at the first break.
Only 6 made it to the one hour mark.
Jim went out about 15 minutes before the second break. That left David S with the chip lead (9,265) over Peter in 2nd (5,946) and Lecia in third (2,789).
By the second break, the lead had shifted to Lecia. She had 10,199 to David's 4,135 and Peter's 3,666. Still anyone's game.
David survived about 5 all-ins to last another 15 minutes after the break, but eventually he fell. Lecia still led with 13,619 to Peter's 4,381.Peter managed to come-back and take the win 10 minutes later. It was a hard-fought battle!
Well Done!
Send Lawyer7399 $5.00 (I'm collecting for Peter)
Top11 players this week. It was a weird night. We lost almost half the players before the first break. Only 6 players made it.
Jon went out just before the one hour mark. Jerry had the lead with 12,011 to Jim's 7,424 and Tony's 2,565. Tony busted a couple of hands later and it was Jerry with 11,136 against Jim's 10,864.
It ended 15 minutes later when they both hit top pair, but Jim had the better kicker. It held up and he took the win!
Well Done!
Top10 players this week. Second week under the new structure. Seems to shake things up a bit. Despite this, 9 players made it to the first break. (one was sitting out)
Again, only four players made it to the one hour mark.
Tony went out 5 minutes later. Jerry had the lead with 11,547. Peter was next with 4,596 and Mehmet was right behind with 3,857.
Peter went out right at the 2nd break. Mehmet had taken over the lead with 14,164 to Jerry's 5,836.
It took him 20 minutes, but Jerry was able to fight back and take the win!
Well Done!
Top12 players this week. PokerStars changed the format, so the antes started earlier, the blinds started higher and rose faster. Despite this, 8 players made it to the first break.
Only four players made it to the one hour mark.
Twenty minutes later, Jerry was short-stack and shoved with a flush and straight draw. Tony called with top pair. Jerry was favored to win, but that's not what happened and Jerry took 4th. Tony led with 12,379, David S was next with 7,940 and Kathy had third with 3,681. Kathy shoved a few hands later with bottom pair. Tony had an over-pair and Kathy didn't improve leaving her with 3rd place. Now Tony had 17,080 to David's 6,920.
They both made it to the 2nd break (barely) David had 410 and Goliath (I mean Tony) had 23,590. It would be an epic come-back if David could do it.
David doubled up a couple of times, but just couldn't string enough of them together to catch Tony. The game ended a couple minutes later.
Great Game!
TopDown to 10 players this week. Nine players made it to the first break.
Seven players made it to the one hour mark.
Five made it to the 2nd break.
Jerry took out Jon 15 minutes later to bring it down to 3 players. Jerry had a slight lead over Peter with 9,903 to Peter's 8,834. Mehmet rounded out the top three with 1,263. Peter took out Mehmet 5 minutes later and took over the lead. He had 13,895 to Jerry's 6,105.
Jerry had regained the lead at the two hour mark - but just barely. He had 10,745 to Peter's 9,255.
The lead swapped several times before the 3rd break. Each player had been down to a couple thousand chips and fought their way back to the lead. At the break, Jerry was on top with 11,125 to Peter's 8,875. But it was anyone's game.
The game lasted one more hand. Peter shoved with pocket tens, Jerry called with AK. Jerry hit a king on the flop and Peter didn't improve.
Great Game!
TopTwelve players this week. Again, there were only ten players at the first break.
Dix players made it to the one hour mark.
Jon took out Kathy just before the 2nd break. He took the chip lead with 9,380, just ahead of Jerry who had 9,264. Peter had a respectable stack of 5,356.
Peter went out a few minutes later when Jerry's overcards won the race against his pocket pair. Jerry led with 19,339 to Jon's 4,661. 10 minutes later, Jerry hit a set of 3's to crack Jon's overpair and take the game!
Good Game!
TopThirteen players this week. Ten players remained at the first break.
They were dropping like files, with only 4 players left at the one hour mark.
Zahit went out just before the 2nd break. Jerry held the big lead with 13,580. Kathy was right behind him with 9,594 and Peter is always a threat - even when he only has 2,826 chips.
Peter went out a few hands later when he couldn't catch his flush. Jerry now led Kathy 15,991 to 10,008. It ended just before the 2 hour mark. Kathy had doubled up twice to take the lead, but Jerry got it back before going all-in with a pair of nines. Kathy called with her suited king, but couldn't catch and Jerry took the win!
Good Game!
TopEleven players this week. We lost one player just before the first break.
7 players left at the one hour mark.
Only 4 players survived to the second break.
A few hands later Bruce busted Tony and the final three was set. Bruce led the pack with 10,173. Zahit had a solid second with 6,933 and Mehmet was very much alive with 4,894. A few minutes later, Bruce took out Mehmet to leave him with a 14,617 to 7,383 lead over Zahit. Fireworks are coming! And then it was over. Bruce hit a set to bust Zahit's over-pair and take the win!
Well Done!
TopFifteen players this week. 14 players made it to the first break.
Still had 12 players at the one hour mark.
By the second break, the field was down to 8 players.
Bruce busted out Andy about 10 minutes before the 2-hour mark to bring the field down to 3. Barb was leading with 13,823. Jerry was next with 10,299 and Bruce was still alive with 5,878. Jerry busted Bruce 7 minutes later. He now held 11,317 to Barb's 18,683.
10 minutes later, Jerry hit his flush on the river to beat Barb's Broadway straight and take the win!
Great Game!
TopFourteen players again this week - but no one was sitting out. EVERYONE made it to the first break.
7 players remained at the one hour mark.
6 pretty even stacks remained at the second break. We could be here a while.
Just before the 2 hour mark, Kathy hit trip 10's to bust Mikey's aces. That left three players. Barb had the lead with 11,201 with Peter right behind with 11,006. Kathy trailed but was still pretty deep with 5,793 chips.
10 minutes later, Peter took out Barb when his pocket tens held up. He now had a huge lead with 21,742 to Kathy's 6,258.
They almost made it to the third break - but Peter hit a full house on the river to bust Kathy's straight. That left Kathy very short. She doubled up a couple of times, but it was just too big a hill to climb and Peter took the win!
Great Game!
Send Lawyer7399 $5.00 (I know this goes to me, but I'm holding some money for Peter)
TopFourteen players this week - 2 sitting out. (I'm liking the bigger fields) Twelve players made it to the first break (including those sitting out).
9 players remained at the one hour mark. (including one still sitting out - the other one showed)
Jerry took out Mickey just before the second break. It was a familiar cast of players that were left. Jerry had the big lead with 15,268. Jim was next with 7,085 and Bruce was close behind with 5,647.
Bruce busted out 5 minutes later. Jerry now held 19,587 to Jim's 8,413. Jim made a great run, but Jerry hit the nut flush when Jim hit the nut straight. Jerry took the game!
Well Done!
TopSixteen players this week! A lot of action and three players fell out before the break.
12 players remained at the one hour mark.
Only 6 players made it to the second break.
Four players were still alive at the 2-hour mark.
A few minutes before the 3rd break, Marv shoved with pocket nines. Brandy came over the opt with KQ suited, and Peter woke up with aces! The aces held to bust Marv and cripple Brandy. Peter had the big lead with 23,799. Mikey was still alive with 5,040 and Brandy trailed with 3,161.
Brandy took out Mikey right after the break. She now had 2,932 to Peter's 29,068. A true uphill battle! She went all-in the next hand with a flush draw against Peter's top pair. She did not improve and Peter took the win!
Great Job!
Send Lawyer7399 $5.00 (I know this goes to me, but I'm holding some money for Peter)
TopFifteen players this week! This time, two players didn't make it to the break.
Still 11 players remained at the one hour mark.
Eight players made it to the second break.
Alec knocked out David S. just before the 2 hour mark to set the top 3. Kathy had the big lead with 16,329. Marv was next with 9,003 and Alec was third with 4,668.
10 minutes later, Kathy took out Alec to increase her lead to 25,547 over Marv's 4,453S.
It was a huge deficit to overcome, but Marv came back and tied it up. Then he took the lead. Then Kathy took the led back. Finally They both rivered straights, but Marv's was slightly better. Kathy was crippled and Marv took the win a few minutes before the 3rd hour.
Well done!
TopThirteen players this week! All but one made it to the break.
Just 9 players remained at the one hour mark.
Six players made it to the second break.
Four players were still battling at the 2 hour mark. The stacks were pretty even - no telling who would come out on top.
10 minutes later, Mehmet took out Lecia to leave 3 players. It was Mikey with the lead. He had 11,368 to barb's 10,089. Mehmet was still in the running with 4,543. But things change quickly at these blind levels and Barb took out Mikey just before the 3rd break. It wasn't even enough to put her in first place as Mehmet had jumped out the lead with 16,198 to her 9,802.
Mehmet made pretty quick work of it. Finishing the game in 2 minutes, despite a valiant attempt by Barb.
Great Game!
TopTen players tonight! Eight made it to the break.
Six players remained at the one hour mark.
Marv went out just before the second break. That left 4 players.
Barb took out Mehmet 10 minutes later. Lecia was the chip leader (welcome back Lecia) with 9,735. Barb was next with 6,874 and Zahit was still alive with 3,391. barb was on a roll, and Lecia couldn't stop her. Barb busted her out just before the two hour mark. Barb now had 13,189 to Zahit's 6,811.
It was a hard-fought heads-up battle, but Barb managed to take the win.
Well Done!
TopNine players tonight (including 3 new players). Seven made it to the break.
Five players made it to the one hour mark.
Four players made it to the second break. Since only 3 players get points - it was a tense situation.
Jerry took out Brandy 15 minutes later to bring it down to three players. Jim had a huge lead with 11,823. Jerry was next with 4,985 and Mehmet was still alive with 1,192. Jim took out Mehmet a few hands later. He led with 14,895 to Jerry's 3,105.
Jerry had evened things out by the second hour mark. Jim still led, but only 10,560 to Jerry's 7,440. Jerry finished his come-back and took the game 10 minutes later.
Great Game!
TopFour players tonight. Everyone made it to the break.
Brandy went out just after the break. That left Jim with a slight lead over Kathy (4,105 to 3,310) and Jerry was way behind with 585. Jerry went out 20 minutes later. Jim had extended his lead to 5,580 and Kathy had 2,420.
Kathy had turned it around by the one hour mark. She had 6,160 to Jim's 1,840. It ended just before the second break. Kathy flopped bottom two and Jim had top pair. Jim hit his kicker on the turn and Kathy couldn't catch up.
Well played!
TopFive players tonight. Everyone made it to the break.
Jim & Jerry dropped out before the one hour mark. Kathy led with 3,858. Marv was next with 3,388 and Barb was still healthy with 2,754.
All three were still live at the 2nd break. Kathy retained her lead with 4,403. Barb had moved into second with 3,951 and Marv trailed with 1,646.
Barb took out Marv 10 minutes later. Barb nearly doubled up, but she was still behind Kathy, with 3,005 to Kathy's 6,995. It was over 5 minutes later. Kathy flopped two pair and Barb had the nut-flush draw. Barb missed and Kathy took the game!
Well done!
TopOnly 2 players registered for tonight's game and Kathy didn't show up! Jim wins by default. Remember - if you sign up you are expected to pay!
TopThree players again tonight. Everyone made it to the break. Kathy led with 2,528. Jerry was right behind with 2,487 and Marv was still in it with 985.
Marv went out 10 minutes later. Jerry now led with 4,647 to Kathy's 1,353. It ended two minutes later. Kathy doubled up AK over Jerry's pocket 6's to come almost even. The she pushed with AK again the next hand, but this time Jerry's pocket tens held up.
Well done!
TopThree players tonight. Everyone made it to the break. Jim led with 2,630. Jerry was right behind with 2,155 and Marv was still in it with 1,215.
Jim still led at the one hour mark. He had 3,226. Jerry was next with 1,610 and Marv was still third with 1,164.
Marv took out Jim went out 15 minutes later. His pocket 9's held up against Jim's AJ. but Jerry busted Marv on the next hand when his pocket 4's hit a set to crush Marv's pocket kings.
Good game!
TopFour players for tonight's on-line game. Kathy went out after 10 minutes. Jim led with 2,833. Jerry had 2,789 and Marv had 2,378. Jim took out Marv a couple of minutes before the break. That gave Jim the lead with 4,131 to Jerry's 3,869.
It ended 15 minutes later when Jerry hit a set to crack Jim's two-pair.
Good game!
TopThe power failure lifted just in time for our game to start with 6 players! Everyone made it to the first break (with one sitting out due to technical difficulties)
5 players made it to the one hour mark.
Bruce went out about 15 minutes before the second break. That left 3 players. Jim led with 5,414. Jerry was next with 4,088 and Marv was still a threat with 2,498.
Jim still led at the second break. He had 6,944. Jerry had 4,148 and Marv had dropped to 908.
Jerry went out 15 minutes after the break. Jim had extended his lead to 7,554 but Marv had made a come-back and sat with 4,446 chips. Marv lasted another 5 minutes, but then Jim took him out also.
Well Done!
TopJust three players this week - with one sitting out. Marv turned up about 5 minutes before the first break. Jerry led at the first break with 4,375. Kathy was second with 830 and Marv was right behind her with 795.
Marv went out 5 minutes after the break. Jerry still led with 4,125 to Kathy's 1,875. It ended 15 minutes later when Kathy shoved with her KQ and Jerry called with KJ. He hit a jack on the turn and won the game.
Good Game!
TopFour players this week. Jim went out a few minutes before the first break. Jerry led with 4,861. Marv was next with 2,235 and Kathy trailed with 904. She doubled up on the next hand when she flopped a straight to bust Jerry's pocket aces! Then she doubled up again just at the break. She now led with 3,366. Marv was second with 2,335 and Jerry trailed with 2,299.
Marv went out 20 minutes later. Kathy still led with 6,753 to Jerry's 1,247. It ended just before the one hour mark when Jerry shoved with 5 big blinds and Kathy dominated his 9-10 with her K-9. No one improved and Kathy scored the win!
Good Game!
TopSix players this week! They all made it to the first break.
8 minutes later they were down to 3 players. Jerry had a slight lead over Marv (4,166 to his 4,160). Kathy trailed slightly behind with 3,674.
Kathy went out right at the one hour mark. Jerry has the lead with 8000 to Marv's 4000.
It ended just before the 2nd break. Jerry hit the nut flush to bust out Marv.
Good Game!
TopThree players again this week. Kathy went out 11 minutes into it. Jerry led Jim with 4,468 to his 1,532. Jerry extended his lead by the first break. He had 4,913 to Jim's 1,087.
Jerry rivered the nut flush to bust Jim's top pair to win the game a few hands later.
Good Game!
TopThree players to start out the new year. Everyone made it to the first break. Marv was the chip leader with 3,665. Jerry was next with 1,315 and Kathy held third with 1,020.
Marv's pocket kings took out Kathy's pocket tens the first hand after the break. Marv now led with 4,685 the Jerry's 1,315. It was over a few minutes later when Marv's AQ busted Jerry's QJ.
Good Game!