December 31, 2015
December 24, 2015
December 17, 2015
December 10, 2015
December 3, 2015
November 26, 2015
November 19, 2015
November 12, 2015
November 5, 2015
October 29, 2015
October 22, 2015
October 15, 2015
October 8, 2015
October 1, 2015
September 24, 2015
September 17, 2015
September 10, 2015
September 3, 2015
August 27, 2015
August 20, 2015
August 13, 2015
August 6, 2015
July 30, 2015
July 23, 2015
July 16, 2015
July 9, 2015
July 2, 2015
June 25, 2015
June 18, 2015
June 11, 2015
June 4, 2015
May 28, 2015
May 21, 2015
May 14, 2015
May 7, 2015
April 30, 2015
April 23, 2015
April 16, 2015
April 9, 2015
April 2, 2015
March 26, 2015
March 19, 2015
March 12, 2015
March 5, 2015
February 26, 2015
February 19, 2015
February 12, 2015
February 5, 2015
January 29, 2015
January 22, 2015
January 15, 2015
January 08, 2015
January 01, 2015
Three players this week. Kathy took me out in the first 5 minutes with a pocket pair of aces. That gave a a big lead over Bruce, but the blinds were still low. Bruce was holding on at the first break. He had 1,591 to Kathy's 4,409. It ended 3 minutes after the break, when Bruce couldn't hit his double gut-shot straight to beat Kathy's pair of 9's. Good game Kathy!
TopOnly two players this week (I'm not surprised). It was Kathy and me in a heads-up battle. I took an early lead, but Kathy came back and had a chip lead of more than 1000 chips. I got a couple of good hands and managed to re-take the lead. Just before the first break she shoved with ace-high. I happened to have pocket kings and she couldn't catch the ace she needed. I won this one.
TopI couldn't make it to this one, but I heard there were 4 players and Jon won when he hit a queen on the river to suck out against Kathy's pocket 7's. That makes 3 in arow Jon. Nice!
TopSix players again! And we all made it to the first break again. Still 4 players left at the one hour mark. I went out a few minutes later. That left three players and gave Jon the championship (congratulations Jon!). Kathy ad the lead with 4,596. Kathy's lead evaporated and she went out 15 minutes later. Jon now had a huge lead (9.724) over Marv (2,276). A couple of hands later it was over. Jon had taken the game and the championship! Well done Jon!
TopSix players tonight! We all made it to the first break. There were 4 players left at the one hour mark. Still 4 players at the 2nd break. Three minutes after the break, Jon took out both Jim and Bruce to take a Monster lead (10,226) into heads-up with Marv (1,774). Marv tried, but he couldn't beat the monster stack. Good game Jon!
This give Jon the lead with only one game left! Bruce and I are within reach, but it's Jon's championship to lose.
TopOnly three players tonight. in fact, Kathy & I couldn't make it so I really don't know what happened during the game. I do know that Jim won, Bruce came in second and Jon took third. With only 3 players, no points were awarded toward the Championship. I have a 1 game lead over Bruce and Jon with only 2 games left. It'll be a close one. Good game Jim!
Top5 players tonight. We lost one player right at the first break. Jim went out 15 minutes later. That left me with a lead of 5,450 to Bruce's 3,780 and Jon's 770. Jon doubled up off Bruce just before the one hour mark. That gave him the lead with 5,354 to my 4,258 and Bruce's 388. Bruce went out a few hands later. That left me heads-up with Jon. He had 5,622 to my 4,378. It ended 20 minutes later when Jon hit a set of 3's to beat my top pair with top kicker. Good game Jon!
TopWe were up to 6 players this week. This time we lost two players before the first break. I lasted 15 minutes more then I was out. Kathy had the big lead with 7,066. Bruce was next with 3,573 and Marv was hanging on with 1,361. Just before the hour mark, Kathy hit a straight to bust Marv's set of queens. That left her heads-up with Bruce holding a lead of 8,587 to his 3,413. They were pretty much the same at the second break. Kathy had 8,522 to Bruce's 3,478. Things really changed after the break. Bruce won hand after hand and took the chip lead within ten minutes. Five minutes later it was over. Bruce had won two in a row. Good game Bruce!
Top5 players again. We lost one player before the first break. I went out about 5 minutes before the hour mark. That left Bruce with a lead of 5,387 to Kathy's 3,543 and Jon's 1,070. Kathy lasted 10 more minutes then Bruce took her out. That gave him a huge lead with 8,035 to Jon's 1,965. But, I've seen bigger comebacks. A few hands later and it was over. Bruce's ace had a better kicker and Jon couldn't recover. Nice game Bruce!
Top5 players again. This time everyone survived to the first break. Still four players at the hour mark. Jim went out about 10 minutes before the second break. I held the lead with 4,671. Jon was second with 3,986 and Bruce trailed with 1,343. Bruce lasted a few more minutes, then Jon took him out and took over the chip lead. He had 5,844 to my 4,156. I had come back by the second break and led 7,577 to 2,423. The lead changed hands several times over the next 20 minutes, but finally ended when Jon caught runner-runner to make a flush to bust my set of 6s.
Top5 players again. And we lost one before the first break. Kathy fell to Jon's pocket aces about 10 minutes after the break. With that win, Jon almost caught Bruce. Bruce had 4,890 to Jon's 4,039. Jim was biding his time with 1,071. Bruce extended his lead a few hands later when his pocket queens held against Jim's pocket tens. The score: Bruce: 7,108 - Jon: 2,892. Jon had come back and taken the lead by the hour mark. He held 5,334 to Bruce's 4,666. Still anyone's game. It didn't quite make it to the second break. Jon's pocket jacks held up and the games was over. It was a good night for pocket pairs (and for Jon!).
Top5 players again. This time we lost two players before the first break. That left me with the big stack (4,966). Bruce was second with 3,064 and Jon held third with 1,970. I busted out a few minutes later. Bruce took over the lead with 7,250 and Jon was still in third with 2,750. 15 minutes later it was over. Jon couldn't hit his straight to beat Bruce's straight. Good game Bruce!
TopBack to 5 players - including one we haven't seen in a while. We lost one player before the first break. There were still four of us at the one hour mark. I was out about five minutes before the second break. Lecia had the big stack with 6,175. Jon was healthy with 3,180 and Jim was hanging in with 645. Jim was out two hands later when his pocket 7's ran into Jon's set of 10's. Jon had moved up to 4,165 and Lecia had 5,835. Lecia took a ouple of big chunks of Jon's chips with some well timed hands, then her pocket nines held up to give her a nice "Welcome Back!" win. Good game!
TopDown to 4 players again. One player went out after only 15 minutes. That left 3 of us to finish up. Bruce had the lead with 3,607. I was second with 2,378 and Jon held third with 2,015. Things had changed by the break. Jon was still in third with 1,165. But I had taken the lead over Bruce with my 4,908 topping his 1,927. Of course, hands like this ROYAL FLUSH helped a lot. Jon lasted another 5 minutes. Then it was Bruce (2,102) and I (5,898) heads-up. The tide had changed by the hour mark. Bruce now held the lead with 4,812 and I was behind with 3,188. The tide turned again by the second break. I led again with 5,684. Bruce wasn't too far behind with 2,316. It only lasted a few hands after the break. Bruce couldn't hit his AQ to bust my pair of 5's. So I won another one!
TopFive players again this week. And again, we lost one before the first break. The remaining four held out until just before the second break (that's right SECOND break). The Jon eliminated two players with the nut flush to put him in the lead with 6,410 to Marv's 3,590. After the break, Jon picked up right were he left off - taking just 4 minutes to eliminate Marv and take his second game in a row. Good game Jon!
TopFive players this week(Yeah!). We lost one before the first break. We lost Jim 15 minutes after the break. That left the rest of us pretty even. Jon had a slight lead with 3,450. Bruce was just behind with 3,277 and I had 3,273. Bruce went out five minutes before the hour mark. Jon still had the lead with 5,235. I wasn't far behind with 4,765. It ended seconds before the second break when Jon hit his flush to beat my top-pair with top kicker. Good game Jon!
TopFour players again this week - strange thing is, it's usually a different set of 4. We all made it to the first break. We lost the first player 7 minutes before the first break. That left Jim with the lead (4,110). Kathy had second with 3,490 and I was struggling to hang on with 400. I went out a couple of hands later when Kathy's full house on the river busted my straight. She was now leading Jim. Her 4,520 to his 3,480. Kathy crippled Jim a few hands later when she hit a set to take all but 220 of his chips. He doubled up once, but the lead was too much and Kathy ended it before the hour mark. Good game Kathy!
TopStill stuck at four players. This time we lost a player about 5 minutes before the first break. That left me in the lead with 4,058. Jim was next with 2,572 and Jon trailed with 1,370. Jim got on a rush and took the lead before the break with 3,789. I dropped to second with 2,966 and Jon still trailed with 1,245. By the one hour mark I had re-taken my rightful spot at the top with 6,126. Jon had moved into second with 1,240 and Jim was now in last with 634. Jim was out a couple of minutes later and I was heads-up with 6,040 to Jon's 1,960. I was able to wear him down over the next 6 or 7 minutes. Then I had an ace with a better kicker when he went all-in. I managed to avoid his flush draw and took the win!
TopFour players again. Again, we all made it to the first break. This time Jon went out twenty minutes after the break. Again, Kathy had the big lead with 4,816. I was second (again) with 1,616 and Jim was in third with 1,568. Things changed quite a bit by the hour mark. Jim now held the lead with 4,493. I was still in second with 2,266, and Kathy had slipped down to 1,241. A couple of minutes later Kathy was out and I (3,617) was heads-up against Jim (4,383). We were still going strong at the second break. Jim (6,233) was a little stronger than I (1,767) was (OK - A LOT stronger). Ten minutes later it was over. I had top pair, but he had two overs and a flush draw. He hit an over and I was out. Good game Jim!
TopBack down to four players again. At least we all made it to the first break. Twenty minutes later Jim fell out and it was down to 3 players. Kathy had the big lead with 6,735. I was second with 1,025 and Jon was holding on with 240. Five minutes later Jon went out and I (2,770) was heads-up with Kathy (5,230). Five hands later it was over. I managed to win a couple of close double-ups to take the win.
TopFive players again tonight. We all made it to the first break (some just barely). It took only 18 more minutes to pare the field down to 3 players. Bruce was in third with 2,295. Jim was settled in second with 3,421 and Kathy held the lead with 4,284. Kathy still led at the hour mark. She had 5,734 to Jim's 2,756 and Bruce's 1,510. She was still ahead at the second break, but the boys were catching up. She had 4,325 to Jim's 3,877 and Bruce's 1,798. But, things change quickly in no-limit and Kathy was out less than 10 minutes after the break. Bruce had made a huge come-back and led 9,660 to Jim's 340. It looked like back-to-back wins for Bruce. Jim had a couple of double-ups, but Bruce's lead was just too much. He did win his second in a row! Nice job Bruce!
TopFive players tonight. We lost two players 7 minutes before the first break. Bruce was the big leader with 5,610 chips. Jim was second with 2,260 and I was right behind with 2,130. At the break, Bruce still held the lead with 3,925. I was catching up with 3,390 and Jim was still in the mix with 2,685. At the hour mark, Jim had taken the lead with 5,532. I was holding on to second with 2,300. Bruce was right behind with 2,168. By the second break, we had each had a chance to lead. Currently it was Bruce's turn - he had 6,860. I was second with 1,580 and Jim just 20 chips back with 1,560. Jim was out a few minutes later. Bruce was still leading with 7,980. I had improved to 2,020. I lasted a few more hands, but Bruse's lead was too strong and the blinds were too high. Nice game Bruce!
TopSix players tonight. We lost one before the first break. We still had five players at the hour mark. Six minutes later we were down to three. Marv was third with 3,500. I was next with 3,731 and Bruce led with 4,769. Marv went out a few minutes before the second break. That left me leading Bruce 8,251 to 3,749. Six hands after the break - it was over. My AQ held up against Bruce's AJ and I was back on the winning streak!
TopFive players tonight. We all made it to the first break. The stacks were going up and down like yoyos, but we all made it to the one hour mark. We lost one just before the 2nd break. We lost another 15 minutes later. That left Me with the lead (4,701). Jon was in second with 3,705 and Jim held third with 1,594. We lost Jim 3 minutes before the 2 hour mark. Jon now led with 6,228 and I had 3,772. I lasted 10 more minutes. Then his pocket 5's held up against my A-10 and I was out. Nice game Jon!
TopJust four players tonight. We lost one after just 10 minutes. That left Jim in third with 1,625 while Jon and I were pretty close with 3,350 and 3,025 respectively. Pretty much the same at the first break. Jim had 1,700. Jon had 2,987 and I had 3,313. At the one hour mark, things were pretty steady. Jon had 1,781. Jim had 2,886 and I had 3,333. There was a LOT of action, but at the second break, Jim had fallen to third (barely) with 1,942. Jon was in second with 2,039 and I continued to lead with 4,019. I few minutes later Jim was out and it was me (5,861) againt Jon (2,139). Five minutes after that my pocket 8's held up and I won my fourth in a row!
TopSix players tonight with no one sitting out. Everyone made it to the first break. Ans everyone made it to the one hour mark, but just barely. We lost one player the hand after the hour mark. We went down to three players 8 minutes before the second break. Jim had a huge lead with 9,599. I was way behind with 1,218 and Jon was behind me with 1,183. We were catching Jim by the second break. He still led with 5,928. Jon was now second with 3,410 and I trailed with 2,662. Jon went out 5 minutes after the break. I (2,872) was left heads-up with Jim (9,128). The game ended just before the 2 hour mark. I had managed to take the lead only to lose it again, but finally get it back. When we both hit trips, I had the better kicker to take my third game in a row! How long can I keep this up???
TopA little better. There were five players, but one was sitting out. Everyone made it to the first break. Jon almost made it to the hour mark before he was blinded out. That left Bruce with 1,870. Jim had 2,960 and I led with 5,170. Jim took out Bruce the next hand to even things out. He had 4,840 to my 5,160. 5 minutes later I hit a set of jacks to bust Jim's pocket Kings and win my second in a row.
TopAnother small turn-out. Only four players. We all made it to the first break. I took out Jim 7 minutes after the break. The left me with 3,910. Bruce had 2,650 and Jon held 1,440. Bruce went out 2 hands later and I extended my lead to 6,630 over Jon's 1,370. Then I hit the river to give me a better two-pair and eliminate Jon as well.
TopDidn't see tonight's game. It seems like I was in good company. Only three players and Jim managed to take them out one at a time (Bruce joined just as Jim knocked out Jon). Good game Jim!. (Sorry - no points, there must be at least 4 players)
TopFive players again tonight. Again, we all made it to the first break. We were down to three players a few minutes before the hour mark. Jon held the lead with 4,243. Kathy was close behind with 3,015 and I was still in it with 2,742. A few minutes later Kathy cracked my aces to take a 5,967 to 4,033 lead over Jon. Thirty minutes later and not much had changed. Kathy had extended her lead to 7,312 to Jon's 2,688. Five minutes later Jon missed his flush and Kathy took him out with her aces.
TopFive players again tonight. We all made it to the first break. We lost one before the hour mark. Just after that we were down to 3. Marv held the lead with 4,045. I was in second with 3,608 and Kathy held third with 2,347. I was out about 5 minutes later. Kathy now had a slight lead with 5,105 to Marv's 4,895. A few hands later it was over when Kathy's Jacks lost to Marv's Queens. Good game Marv!
TopFive players again tonight. Four of them made it to the first break. Jon took out Jim a few hands after the break. That put Kathy in first with 3,755. Jon was next with 3,148 and Bruce was sitting out in third with 3,097. Kathy went out a few hands later when her aces were cracked by Jon's kings. That left Bruce sitting out and Jon trying to bust him before he got back to the table. Bruce made it back about a dozen hands later. He still had 1,872 to Jon's 8,128. He was still hanging in at the hour mark. Bruce held 2,122 to Jon's 7,878. Each was waiting for the other to make a mistake. Bruce held on and battled back to make it to the second break. He had closed up the gap. It was now Bruce's 4,077 to Jon's 5,923. Anyone's game! 20 minutes later (making the heads-up battle more than an hour long), Jon managed to hit a flush to overtake Bruce's top pair. Nice game Jon!
TopFive players tonight. Four of us made it to the first break. Kathy took out Jim a few hands after the break. That put her in first with 4,957. I was next with 3,585 and Jon was the third with 1,458. By the hour mark, I had taken the lead with 4,135. Kathy was right behind with 3,497 and Jon was still in third with 2,368. Three minutes later it was down to Kathy and me. She had the lead with 6,530 and I held 3,470. Kathy wielded her big stack like a club. I lasted 15 minutes, then I fell. Nice game Kathy!
TopOnly four players again tonight - and one was sitting out. Bruce managed to jump in just before the cut-off and Jim showed up few minutes later and we were at 5. We lost Bruce to a straight flush just before the first break. The four of us were still in at at the hour mark. I put Jon out when I managed to hit a third J to make a set over his pocket kings. That put me in first place with 4,870. Kathy had 2,586 and Jim had 2,544. I took Kathy out 3 hands later when I hit a set of queens over her pocket jacks. That gave me 7,471 to Jim's 2,529. My luck held when a few minutes later I got it all-in with an Ace high flush draw against Jim's pocket kings. I hit an ace to take the game. Better lucky than good!
TopFive players again tonight - I was still playing from Korea. We all made it to the first break, but they were down to three players just before the one hour mark. Bruce had a substantial lead with 6,376. Jon held second with 2,306 and Jim was holding on with 1,318. 10 Minutes later, Jim couldn't hold on any longer and he went out to Jon, which gave Jon the lead with 5,505, Bruce was close behind with 4,945. They almost made it to the second break, but Jon got short stacked and had to shove with KQ, Bruce quickly called with AK. Jon couldn't hit the queen and Bruce picked up another win and the overall lead. Good game Bruce!
TopFive players tonight - I was playing from Korea. We lost two just before the first break. That left Me with 2,717. Marv had 3,185 and Kathy led with 4,098. By the one hour mark, Kathy had lost the lead to Marv and then got it back in the next hand. Marv was at 2,310. I was slightly better with 2,427 and Kathy had slightly extended her lead to 5,263. 10 minutes later I was out when Marv flopped a full house and slow played it until I caught my straight. He was still behind with 4,217 but he was catching up to Kathy's 5,783. A few hands later and he had not only caught her, but took her out when she went all-in with K-5 and he called with K-J. Good game Marv!
TopSix players tonight. I was the only one out before the first break. Fifteen minutes after the break, they were down to 3. Jon had the lead with 5,655. Jim was close behind with 4,262 and Marv was in third with 2,083. Jim was the next out just before the hour mark. Jon had pushed his lead up to 10,262 and Marv was hanging in with 1,738. Marv put up a heck of a fight - even gaining the chip lead. But Jon was the one holding all the chips at the end of the night. Good game Jon!
TopFour players tonight and two were playing from Cherokee! We all made it to the first break. I busted out 3 minutes later. That left Jim the big leader with 5,673. Bruce had second with 1,187 and Kathy was in third with 1,140. Jim took her out the next hand giving him 6,813 to Bruce's 1,187. Bruce put up the good fight, but it was Jim's night (despite showing up late). 20 minutes later it was over. Good game Jim!
TopFive players tonight. We all made it to the first break. We went down to 3 players right at the hour mark. Kathy held third with 1,856. Jon was next with 2,478 and I held the lead with 5,666. 15 minutes later it was a totally different story when I busted out leaving Kathy with a slight lead (5,701 to Jon's 4,299). Ten minutes it was over when Kathy's ace held up to bust Jon. Good game Kathy!
TopSix players tonight. This time we lost one before the first break. Ten minutes after the break, we were down to 3 players. Marv was in third with 1,840. Jon was second with 3,100 and I held the lead with 7,060. Things were closer at the hour mark. Jon was now is third with 1,756. Marv had taken second with 4,661. I still held the lead with 5,583. At the second break, the positions were still the same, but the chip counts changed. Jon now held 896. Marv had 3,683 and I had 7,421. Jon went out a few minutes after the break. That left Marv with 3,163 and I had 8,837. Ten minutes later it was over. I managed to wear Marv down and take the game!
TopFive players tonight. Again, we all made it to the first break. This time it took over 20 minutes to get down to three. Kathy had the lead with 4,346. Jon was a close second with 4,041. And I trailed behind with 1,613. Not much had changed by the hour mark. Kathy still led with 5,331. Jon was still in second with 3,506. And I was still trailing with 1,163. Kathy eliminated me 10 minutes later. That extended her lead to 6,559 to Jon's 3,431. Ten minutes later Kathy river-ed a better two-pair to eliminate Jon. Nice game Kathy! !
TopSix players tonight, but two were sitting out. They showed up shortly after the start and we all made it to the first break. I took us 18 minutes more to get down to three players. I hand the lead with 5,056. Bruce was second with 3,703 and Kathy was in third with 3,239. Kathy lasted 2 more hands then Bruce busted her out. That left me with 4,758 to Bruce's 7,242. At the hour mark, Bruce was ahead 9,222 to my 2,778. I has caught up by the second break and held with lead with 6,737 to Bruce's 5,263. 10 minutes later, the lead had changed several times, but I managed to beat Bruce's top pair with trip 2's. Nice game Bruce, but I get this one!
TopOnly four players tonight, at least no one was sitting out. We all made it to the first break. I only lasted a few hands after the break and then Jim's over-cards beat my pocket pair. That left Jim with the lead (5,192) Jon (1,463) and Kathy (1,345) were fighting for second. They Kathy got pocket Aces to take most of Jon's chips. She followed it up with a straight to get the rest. Her stack of 2,958 was better but still had a ways to go to catch up to Jim's 5,042. A few minutes later it was over. The whole game took 38 minutes - including a 5 minute break! Kathy's K3 couldn't improve against Jim'a AQ and that gave Jim the game. Nice job Jim!
TopSix players tonight, but Jon sat out for the first 5 minutes. One player went out before the first break. I went out a few minutes after the break. That left 4 players. 5 minutes later they were down to 3. Jim with 5,493 was slightly again of Bruce who had 5,357. Jon was in third with 1,150. By the hour mark, Jon had risen to 2,380. Bruce had fallen to 3,672 and Jim was still in the lead with 5,948. Jon couldn't keep up and 12 minutes later it was just Jim and Bruce. Jim had extended his lead to 7,578, but Bruce was still healthy with 4,422. Bruce had turned the tables by the second break. He had 10,469 to Jim's 1,531. I've seen Jim come back from further down - but not often. Five minutes later it was over. Jim had the best hand going in, but Bruce had the best at the end. Good game Bruce!
TopOnly four players tonight, but we all made it to the first break. I was out first, just after the break. That left Kathy with the lead of 3,215 chips. Jon and Jim were right behind with 2,488 and 2,297 respectively. Kathy's lead didn't last long (it doesn't when you run up against quads) and she was out a few minutes before the hour mark. Jon was now the leader with 4,306; but Jim was right behind with 3,694. By the second break they had each held the lead. But it was Jim's turn with 4,171 to Jon's 3,829. It ended just before the two-hour mark when Jon managed to beat Jim's second pair with his top pair. Good game Jon!
TopSeven players tonight including a new one! Welcome Evan! We all made it to the first break. We dropped to three players just before the one hour mark. Jon was the short stack with 1,010. Bruce was second with 5,478. I had the lead with 7,512. A few minutes later Jon was out and it was Bruce with 5,213 against my 8,787. The tables had turned by the second break. Bruce now led with 9,682 to my 4,318. The lead went back and forth and the game ended 20 minutes later when I rivered aces over tens to beat his kings over aces. Weird ending to a great game!
TopFive players tonight with one sitting out. We all made it to the first break. There were still 4 players at the hour mark. Ten minutes later Jim dropped out to make it three players. The next hand Kathy took out Jon and she was heads-up with Bruce. She had some work to do since she was behind 3,885 to Bruce's 6,115. She did it though, hitting runner-runner to double up, then doubling again when her flush beat Bruce's over-pair. Good Game Kathy!!
TopSeven players tonight. One went out before the first break. They lost another one just before the one hour mark. They dropped to 3 players just before the second break. It was Jon in the lead with 5,170. Harry was a close second with 4,665 and Jim was right behind with 4,165. It was anyone's game. Harry lasted 7 minutes. Then Jim's pocket queens held up against his pocket 9's. Jim now held a slight lead over Jon (7,890 to 6,110). Jon went 6 more minutes then failed to hit a flush to stay alive. Good game guys!
TopSix players tonight. One went out before the first break and a couple of us were barely holding on. They lost another one before the one-hour mark. The four remaining were still at it when the second break came. They lost the fourth player 5 minutes after the break. It was now Kathy with large lead (6,995) against the Billes. Jim had 3,087 and Barb had 1,918. Still anyone's game. Jim was out 15 minutes later. Kathy had increased her lead 8,063 to Barb's 3,937. It was over in the next hand when Kathy hit 2-pair to vanquish Barb's top pair. Good game Kathy!
TopSeven players tonight. I fell out before the first break. They were down to 4 by the hour mark. Ten minutes later they were down to 3. Kathy taken the lead with 5,810. Jon was breathing down her neck with 5,615 and Barb was still in it with 2,575. Five minutes more and Barb was out and Jon had taken the huge lead! He had 10,875 to Kathy's 3,125. Five minutes after the second break - it was over. Jon wore Kathy down to take the win. Good game Jon!
TopSix players tonight. We all made it to the first break. Only one went out before the hour mark. The remaining five players all had pretty healthy stacks. Lost one more before the second break. Bruce had taken a pretty good lead, but the others weren't that bad off. Ten minute later they were down to 3. Bruce still had the lead with 7,232. Jim was second with 3,493 and Jon was still in it with 1,275. A couple of hands later they were heads-up. Jim had taken the lead with 6,323 but Bruce was right behind with 5,677. It was anyone's game. Heads-up lasted 10 minutes. Then Bruce caught an Ace on the turn to beat out Jim's kings and take the game. Nice Game Bruce!
TopEIGHT players tonight. We lost two before the break. 15 minutes later we were down to 3 players. I had the lead with 6,295. Barb was second with 5,743 and Bruce held third with 3,962. We lost Barb right at the one hour mark. Bruce now held the lead with 8,395 and I had 7,605. The game lasted 10 more minutes. I managed to wear him down and take the win!
TopFive players tonight - but one was sitting out. Not bad for New Year's Day. We all made it till the first break (even the one sitting out arrived). I managed to take out two players in one hand so we were down to three. I held the lead with 6,725. Jim was second with 2,205. And Jon was in third with 1,070. We were about the same at the hour mark. I still led with 6,490. Jim was second with 2,370. And Jon was holding on with 1,140. Jim lasted another 27 minutes, but then it was just Jon and me. I still had the lead with 5,760, but Jon was catching up with 4,240. Jon doubled up early with a set over my 2 pair. Then he put me away by hitting a gut-shot straight. Good game Jon!