December 25, 2014 Merry Christmas
December 18, 2014
December 11, 2014
December 4, 2014
November 27, 2014 Happy Thanksgiving
November 20, 2014
November 13, 2014
November 6, 2014
October 30, 2014
October 23, 2014
October 16, 2014
October 9, 2014
October 2, 2014
September 25, 2014
September 18, 2014
September 11, 2014
September 4, 2014
August 28, 2014
August 21, 2014
August 14, 2014
August 7, 2014
July 31, 2014
July 24, 2014
July 17, 2014
July 10, 2014
July 3, 2014
June 26, 2014
June 19, 2014
June 12, 2014
June 5, 2014
May 29, 2014
May 22, 2014
May 15, 2014
May 8, 2014
May 1, 2014
April 24, 2014
April 17, 2014
April 10, 2014
April 3, 2014
March 27, 2014
March 20, 2014
March 13, 2014
March 6, 2014
February 27, 2014
February 20, 2014
February 13, 2014
February 6, 2014
January 30, 2014
January 23, 2014
January 16, 2014
January 09, 2014
January 02, 2014
Down to four players tonight. Not surprising considering the holiday. Still, we made it festive with all of us playing till the first break. I was the first to fall out leaving Kathy with the small stack of 1,757. Jon was next with 2,993 and Jim held the lead with 3,250. There were still three players at the hour mark. Kathy now held the lead with 3,792. Jon was in third with 1,584 and Jim held second with 2,624. But, things change quickly in NLHM. Kathy was crippled with Jim flopped quads to beat her flush. She lasted a few more hands then Jim and Jon split her remaining chips with AQ hands when no one improved. Jim was the big leader with 5,762 and Jon held 2,238. 10 minutes later Jim had managed to wear Jon out and take the game. Nice Job!
Remember - next week starts the 2015 season. The more games you play, the better your chances to win!!
TopSix players again tonight. We all made it to the first break. We were down to 4 players by the hour mark. 8 minutes later we were down to 3 players. I was third with 3,500. Bruce second with 3,818. And Kathy held the lead with 4,682. 5 minutes later Kathy and I were heads-up. She had 5,282 to my 6,718. The game lasted until nearly the second break when I managed to crack her aces with my trip 2's. Guess I'm sleeping on the couch tonight.
TopSix players again tonight. We lost one before the first break. And two more in the next 10 minutes. That left Marv with the short stack of 995. Jim was next with 4,125. But Jon had the big lead with 6,880. A couple minutes later Jon hit trip tens to crack Marv's pocket queens and it was down to two. Jim had 4,155 and Jon had 7,845. With the blinds only 30/60 - it could be along night! Jim had caught up by the one hour mark. Jon had 6,255 to Jim's 5,745. It took twenty more minutes, but Jim wore Jon down and took the win. That shows why he's this year's champion!
TopSix players tonight. We lost 2 before the first break. Marv busted out right at the hour mark. That left me with the short stack of 3,362. Bruce was next (happy birthday) with 4,070. And Jim was leading (who else) with 4,568. Things had changed by the second break. Jim was now the short stack with 1,764. I was second with 4,910. And the birthday boy had the lead with 5,326. Jim was out a few hands later. That left me with 4,259 against Bruce's 7,741. I doubled up two hands later, then caught a lucky river to make a straight against his top pair to win the game. First one in a long while!
TopFive players tonight - but one was sitting out. We lost 2 in the first 20 minutes. That left me with the chip lead (5,479). Jim was in second with 2,981 and Jon was in third (sitting out) with 1540. Jim had caught up by the break with 4,321 to my 4,439. Jon was still sitting out with 1,240. Jon was blinded out 15 minutes later. Jim now had the lead with 6,110 to my 3,890. It ended at the one hour mark when Jim rivered a full house to beat my flush. Good game Jim!
TopSix players this week - but this time there were two players sitting out! Everyone made it to the first break and the two sitting out finally joined in. We were down to three just before the hour mark. Jim was chip leader with 6213. I was a close second with 4,917 and Marv held third with 870. Marv went out just before the second break. That left me (5,833) heads-up vs Jim (6,167). It was close at the 2 hour mark - I had 6,464 to Jim's 5,536. Lasted until just before the third break. Jim had a better kicker to our pair of kings to finish me off. Good game Jim!
TopSix players this week. Everyone made it to the first break. Twenty minutes later they were down to three players when Kathy's pocket pair of 8's beat out Bruce's pocket pair of eights. Kathy was in last place, but had a respectable 3,361. Jon was in second with 3,532. And Marv was out front with 5,107. By the one hour mark Kathy had taken over first place. She had 7,541 to Marv's 2,717 and Jon's 1,742. Marv was gone on the next hand. Kathy now had 10,268 to Jon's 1,732. Jon fought back and ended it 15 minutes later when he hit a 9 on the river to give him two pair to Kathy's one. Nice game Jon!
TopFive players this week - with one of them sitting out. I missed this game so I can't really describe the action, but I know Jon finished in third. Jim and Kathy played heads-up for a while and Kathy ended up with LOTS of pocket pairs. Oh, and she won the game too! Good game Kathy!
TopSix players again this week - with no one sitting out. By the first break we were down to five players. We lost another one before the hour mark. Everyone managed to make it to the next break. Jim lasted 7 minutes, then he was busted out leaving Marv in third with 2,692. Adrienne held second with 3,368 and Jon was in first with 5,940. Five minutes later Marv was out as well. That left Adrienne with 3,808 heads-up with Jon 8,192. Adrienne put up a good fight for 10 minutes, but then Jon's chip advantage won out and she had to settle for second. Good game Jon!
TopSix players this week - but Bruce was sitting out. We lost two before the first break (Bruce was still in it). Bruce almost made it to the one hour mark before he was blinded out. That left Marv in third with 3,310. I was second with 3,777 and Jon held the big stack with 4,913. I busted out right at the hour mark. Jon had increased his stack to 8,395 and Marv was up to 3,605. Jon had pulled a little further out front by the second break. He held 9,645 of the chips to Marv's 2,355. Five minutes later it was over. Jon's quads beat out Marv's full house. Good game Jon!
TopOnly 4 players this week. 15 minutes into it, we were down to 3. Jon held third with 1,350. Jim was in second with 2,110 and I had the big stack with 4,540. Not much had changed by the break. Jim was now in third with 1,210. Jon held second with 1,975 and my 4,815 kept e out front. My lead slipped a little by the one hour mark. I still led with 3,308. But Jon was close behind with 2,995 and Jim had improved to 1,697. Ten minutes later it was down to 2. I had taken Jon's chips to improve my lead to 6,265 while Jim was hanging on at 1,735. Jim was catching up at the second break. He had 2,862 to my 5,138. I had him all-in several times, but he always seemed to survive (usually with the worst hand). His luck held up and he knocked me out 15 minutes later. Guess it's his night (year)
TopSeven players this week. Maybe the summer is finally over. We all made it to the first break. Two players had dropped out by the 1 hour mark. 15 minutes later we were down to 3 when Jon hit quads to beat Jim's boat. That left me with the short stack of 1,766. Bruce was second with 3,825 and Jon had a huge lead with 8,409. We held positions at the second break. I had 2,043. Bruce had 5,098. And Jon had 6,859. I lasted a couple more hands, then it was Bruce heads-up with Jon. Bruce had taken the lead (courtesy of my chips) with 7,531 to Jon's 6,469. 20 minutes later it was over when Bruce manged to overpower the monster (5-2) with mere pocket kings. Good game Bruce!
TopFive players this week. We all made it to the first break. A few minutes before the one hour mark we were down to 3 players. Jon held the short stack with 2,146. I was next with 3,089 and Bruce out front with 4,765. At the hour mark we were down to 2. Jon had taken the lead with and I held second with 4,918. It ended just before the second break. I managed to hit two pair over Jon's top pair to score the win!
TopSix players this week. We all made it to the first break. We were down to 4 players by the one hour mark. Five minutes later it was 3. Jon had the short stack with 2,090. Jim was second with 3,700. And Barb held the lead with 6,210. Jim went out 10 minutes later. That left Jon in a close second with 5,662 to Barb's 6,338. Jon had taken the lead by the second break. He had 7,177 to Barb's 4,823. Barb got the lead back and managed to finish off the game just before the 2 hour mark. Good game Barb!
TopWe had five players this week. We all made it to the first break. A few minutes later it was down to 3. Jim had the lead with 5,850. Kathy was close behind with 3,418 and Marv held third with 732. Marv lasted a couple of minutes then he was out-kicked by Jim's queen. Jim stretched his lead, he now had 6,850 to Kathy's 3,150. It ended even before the one-hour mark. Jim hit two-pairs and Kathy missed all her outs. Good game Jim!
TopWe had six players this week. Well, sorta. I had a work thing and didn't show up until 9:15, about 2 minutes after I had been blinded out. :-( Still I took third. Kathy and Jim were left to battle it out. Kathy had the lead with 7,196 but Jim was still healthy with 4,804. Kathy still had the lead at the one hour make. She had 8,156 to Jim's 3,844. 15 minutes later her pocket 8's held up and she took another win! Nice job!
TopFour players started tonight. We lost Jon about 8 minutes in, just as Big John showed up. So we stayed at four players. Big John busted out 14 minutes later, that left Kathy with 2,340. Jim had 3,097 and I had the lead with 4,563. Not much changed at the first break. I still led with 4,113. Jim was still second with 3,197 and Kathy held third with 2,690. 12 minutes after the break my full house busted out Jim. The next hand my top pair and top kicker held up when Kathy missed her flush draw. I managed to take out all player and pick up some badly needed points as well!
TopFive players again tonight (is summer over yet?). Again, we all made it to the first break (getting pretty good at that). Kathy took out two players just before the 1 hour mark, leaving her with the chip lead (5,613). Jim was next with 2,670 and Bruce held third with 1,717. Kathy took out Bruce a few minutes later right at the hour mark. She now led with 6,915 to Jim's 3.085. There was a lot of back and forth action with Jim even taking the lead at once time. But Kathy fought back and held a 7,045 to 2,955 lead at the second break. A few minutes later it was over. Jim had missed his flush and Kathy took him out with her pair of aces. Kathy managed to eliminate every player tonight. Jim's streak is over (for now). Good game Kathy!
TopFive players again tonight. Again, we all made it to the first break. We lost the first one ten minutes later. I went out 5 minutes after that. This left Jon short-stacked with 1,075. Jim was in second with 3,328. And Kathy had a big lead with 5,597. Kathy hit a set to take out Jon right at the one hour mark. Kathy had increased her lead to 7,767 and Jim was hanging tough with 2,233. Jim was able to turn it around and hit his own set to take Kathy out 8 minutes later. Good game Jim!
TopJust five players to start tonight's game. We all made it to the first break. Then we lost one a few minutes later. We lost Jon at the one hour mark. That left Jim short stacked with 1,490. Bruce was second with 4,080. And I held the lead with 4,430. That lasted 5 minutes until Jim cracked my pocket aces by flopping a full house. Bruce held the lead with 5,340 but Jim was close behind 4,660. The game only lasted 5 more minutes until Jim again hit a flush to make Bruce's flush draw irrelevant. Another good game for Jim!
TopSeven players this week. Jon was back from France and Adrienne stopped in to play again. We all made it to the first break. There were still 5 left at the 1-hour mark. Adrienne lasted 10 minutes longer - then her aces fell to trip kings. That left Barb with the short stack of 2,168. Jim was next with 3,602. And Kathy had the lead with 8,230. By the second break, Jim had a gained a little on Kathy. He now had 5,239 to her 6,465. Barb still held the short stack with 2,296. Things changed quickly after the break. Kathy lasted 5 minutes until her set of 4's ran into Jim's set of 9's. Jim now had a huge lead (12,440) over Barb (1,560). Two minutes later - it was over. Barb's pocket tens got cracked when Jim hit his queen on the river. Nice game Jim!
TopEight players this week! Jon was still playing from France. We lost two before the first break. We were down to 4 players by the one-hour mark. 13 minutes later we were down to 3. Bruce had a HUGE lead with 8,599. I was second with 5,270 and Marv was in third with 2,131. Now much had changed by the second break, Bruce still lead with 10,279. I was still second with 3,740 and Marv held third with 1,981. 20 minutes later things had REALLY changed. Bruce was out, Marv had taken the lead with 8,873 and I was still in it with 7,127. At the 2-hour mark, Marv still had a good lead with 8,836. I was hanging in there with 7,164. 20 minutes after that it was over. I had come back and managed to win a long heads-up battle to take my first win in a while.
TopFive players again this week. Jon was even playing from France. We lost one before the first break. A storm hit just after the break and Lecia lost her connection. It ended up taking about a minute per hand while PokerStars waited for her to re-connect. 15 minutes later she was still disconnected, but Kathy hit a set of 5s to take out Jim and his Aces. That left Lecia with 905, Jon had 4,090 (not sure how many euros that is) and Kathy with the lead of 5,005. Lecia came back just before the hour mark and just before she was blinded out. She got a walk and then busted out. Jon now had the chip lead with 5,475 and Kathy was right behind with 4,525. The game didn't make it to the second break. Jon hit top pair, but Kathy hit 2 pair and that ended the game. Nice job Kathy!
TopFive players this week. We lost one before the first break. 5 minutes after the break, Kathy busted out leaving me short-stacked with 3,178. Jim was second with 3,323. And Jon had the lead with 3,499. Hard to be more even than that. I few minutes later I was out in third place (again!). Jim took over the lead with 6,326 and Jon was in good shape with 3,674. Ten minutes later it was over. Jon's pocket tens couldn't hold up to Jim's AK. Score another one for Jim!
TopSix players this week and no one was sitting out! Even better - we had a new player! Marv joined us on-line for the first time. We lost one (not Marv) before the first break. 20 minutes after the break, we were down to three players. Jim had the short stack with 2,330. I was next with 4,499 and Jon held the lead with 5,171. Things had evened out a little by the one hour mark. Jon still led with 4,791. Jim had moved to second with 3,761 and I was close behind with 3,448. A few minutes later I was out in third. Jim take my chips and the lead with 7,574. Jon had 4,426. They were still going at it at the second break. Jon had even up the score. He now had 5,627 to Jim's 6,373. Heads-up lasted 15 minutes longer when Jon's straight cracked Jim's pocket aces. Nice game Jon!
TopFive players this week and, of course, one was sitting-out (BTW - it's a different person each week - really weird). We lost one before the first break. Fifteen minutes later the absent player was blinded out. That left Jon with the short stack @ 1963, Jim had 2512, and I held the big stack with 5525. Not much changed at the hour mark. Jon was still short with 1673, Jim was second with 2408, and I still led with 5919. Five minutes before the second break Jon busted me with a flush over my trips. That gave him a huge lead with 8142 to Jim's 1858. Things had flipped by the second break. Jim now had a slight lead over Jon with 5666 to Jon's 4334. Jim had extended his lead by the 2 hour mark. He had 8226 to Jon's 1774. A few minutes later Jim was able to put it away when his full house bested Jon's straight. Great game Jim!
TopSix players this week including the traditional sit-out. We all made it to the first break with one still sitting out. The one sitting out was blind out by the one hour mark. The rest of us were still playing. They were down to 3 players just before the second break. Jim had the short stack with 2,173. Kathy was next with 4,417 and Lecia held the lead with 5,410 (many of which used to be mine). At the second break, Jim had dropped to 1,753. Lecia fell to second with 3,985 and Kathy now held the lead with 6,262. Jim lasted one hand after the break, when Kathy took out his top pair with trip 6's. She now had 8,035 to Lecia's 3,965. The game lasted 15 more minutes until Lecia hit 2-pair on the rive to best Kathy's top pair. Nice game Lecia!
TopOnly 5 players this week and we still had 1 sitting out. We all made it to the first break and the one sitting out even showed up! Bruce and I dropped out over the next 18 minutes to leave Jon with a short stack of 708. Jim was second with 1825. And Kathy had a huge lead with 7467. Less than 5 minutes later Jim took out Jon with pocket kings over Jon's big slick. Jim had increased to 3788 and Kathy slipped a little to 6212. Not much had changed by the one hour mark. Kathy still had the lead with 6732 and Jim was still healthy with 3268. Ten minutes later it was over. Jim couldn't hit his straight and Kathy won with a pair of 9's. NIce job Kathy!
TopSix players this week and again 1 was sitting out. We lost one before the first break and still had another sitting out. We were down to 3 players 20 minutes later. I was trailing with 2607, Kathy was next with 4621 and Jon had a slight lead with 4772. Three minutes later it was just Jon and I as Kathy's pocket kings fell to Jon's aces. I had 3292 and Jon had a big lead with 8708. Not much had changed by the hour mark. Jon still led with 9198 and I still trailed with 2802. The lead changed a few times, but 15 minutes later Jon won when I couldn't hit my flush against his top pair. Good game Jon!
TopSix players this week and again 1 was sitting out. Everyone made it to the first break. We lost 2 by the one hour mark. Jim fell out a minute later to leave three of us. I was short stack with 2762. Jon was second with 2988. And Bruce held the lead with 6250. Things had changed by the second break. Bruce was now short stack with 2483, I was second with 2543, and Jon was chip leader with 6974. I lasted 11 more minutes when I was blinded out. That left Jon's big stack of 7622 facing Bruce's 4378. Bruce doubled up right at the 2 hour mark. That left Jon with 2814 and Bruce held 9186. 2 minutes later Bruce's over-pair held up against Jon's top pair to take the game. Nice Job Bruce!
TopOnly four players this week - AND ONE WAS SITTING OUT!!. Not much changed by the first break. Still one sitting out. Lecia sat out another 15 minutes before she was blinded out. That left Kathy with the lead (4793), I was in second with 2545, and Jon held third with 662. Jon held out for 5 more minutes, then he fell to my two pair. That left Kathy with 5213 and I had 2787. I almost made it to the one hour mark, but Kathy's hand was too strong and I had to settle for 2nd. Good game Kathy!
TopSix players this week - really four because two were sitting out. One of the sitters showed up just before the break and was eliminated in the last hand before the break. So we were down to 5 players (one sitting out). 10 minutes before the one-hour mark, we were down to 3. Jim had the short stack with 1820. Jon was second with 2750. And I held the lead with 7430. Not much had changed by the one-hour mark. Jim had moved into second with 4250. Jon was in last place with 1600. And I still had the lead with 6150. Jon lasted 8 more minutes, then he busted out to Jim's better 2 pair. That gave Jim 5025 and I held 6975. The tide had turned by the second break. Jim held the lead with 8250 and I was trailing with 3750. I lasted 7 more minute, then my trip aces fell to Jim's boat. Good game Jim!
TopSeven players this week. We lost two players before the first break. We were down to 3 just before the one hour mark. Jon had the short stack with 2100. I was second with 4503. Bruce held the lead with 7197. Not much had changed by the one hour mark. Bruce had extended his lead to 9067. I had slipped back to 2613. Jon was still third with 2320. I lasted 12 minutes more, then Jon took me with two pair to my one. He had the lead with 7888 and Bruce was at 6112. At the break, it was Bruce's turn to lead. He had 10067 to Jon's 3933. They almost made it to the two-hour mark, and the lead changed several times. But, Bruce prevailed and Jon had to settle for second. It was a good game!
TopSeven players this week and we ALL started at the same time! We also all made it to the first break. We lost three players by the one hour mark. Kathy went out 10 minutes later. This left Jim with the short stack of 2,592. I was second with 3,857. And Barb had the lead with 7,551. Barb had stretched her lead a little by the second break. Jim had 2,202. I had 2,614. And Barb was up to 9,184. I went out 10 minutes later when my pocket aces where cracked by Jim's nut flush. Jim now had the lead with 8,660 chips to Barb's 5,340. Barb held up for 6 more minutes, then she busted out when Jim's pocket 7s held up. Good game Jim!
TopSevenish players again this week. This time we had THREE players sitting out. We lost three players before the first break. Fortunately, two of the players sitting out showed up so we still had 3 live players (and one sitting out). Lecia did make it back about 5 minutes after the break, so we were up to 4 live players. Barb busted out a few minutes later leaving Jim with 1,298; Lecia had 1,330; and I held the big stack with 11,372. A few minutes later, Lecia fell out. That left Jim with 2,028 to my 11,972. The heads-up battle lasted 12 minutes, but Jim had too big a mountain to climb. I took my first in a long time!
TopSevenish players this week (Lecia was sitting out). She showed up a few minutes before the break. We lost one player before the first break. Four players were still in it at the one hour mark (but two were very short stacked). Jim was knocked out a few minutes later leaving Lecia with 1,750. Jon had 5,385 and Bruce was pushing the table around with 6,865. Lecia almost made it to the break, but Jon caught his flush to bust her two pair. Jon was catching Bruce. He had 5,770 to Bruce's 8,230. Jon took the lead at the second break. He had 7,645 to Bruce's 6,355. The heads-up battle lasted 15 minutes, then Jon's full house took out Bruce's flush. Good game Jon!
TopSeven players again this week. A LOT of big hands tonight, but Bruce had the biggest. You can see his ROYAL FLUSH here. This time we lost 3 before the first break! The four survivors were still battling at the one hour mark. Then Jim's top pair, top kicker fell to Barb's set. That left Bruce with the short stack (1,750). Kathy had the middle stack (4,490). And Barb led again this week with 7,760. Five minutes later Kathy hit a straight to bust Bruce's AK. Kathy was still in second but had 5,530 chips to Barb's 8,470. When they broke for the second time, Kathy had taken the lead with 10,560 to Barb's 3,440. Still a lot of fight in each of them. Kathy went in with the best hand, but Barb hit her kicker to end it. 2 wins in 2 weeks! Maybe Barb should play more often - hmmm maybe not :-) Good Game!
TopSeven players this week but David was sitting out again (why is someone always sitting out?) We all made it to the first break. This time we lost two before the hour mark. David barely made it to the one hour mark. Then we were down to 4. We all survived to the second break. I was the first one out - about 7 minutes after the break. That left Jon with the short stack of 2915. Barb was second with 5030. And Jim held the big stack with 6055. Jon was the next to fall 5 minutes later when his trips ran into Barb's full house. She now had the lead with 7380 over Jim's 6620. It looked like a Bille would get paid tonight. The battle lasted almost to the 2-hour mark. Jim doubled up early to take the lead. Barb fought back with a set. In the end it was Barb's night when she flopped a bigger pair to end it. Nice game!
TopEight players this week - this time is was Jon's turn to sit out. We all made it to the first break. We only lost one before the hour mark. Jon didn't quite make it to the second break. Neither did a few others. We were down to 4 at the second break. Lecia knocked out two players to bring us heads-up. I had the lead with 9,752 she was close with 6,248. The battle lasted about 10 minutes then she took me out when her kicker was better on our two-pairs. Good game!
TopSeven players this week - sort-of. David sat out the whole game. Lecia showed up after the first break and Jim wandered in a little after that. We lost two before the first break, and we were down to 3 about 50 minutes in. I held the big stack with 7810. Jon was second with 3240 and Jim was still recovering from sitting out with 2950. Jon was out 5 minutes later and Jim was up to 5950. I held the rest with 8050. Heads-up lasted about 20 minutes, but Jim was able to wear me down and then put me away when he hit his straight to bust my trips. Nice game Jim!
TopEight players this week. We lost one before the first break, and we were down to 5 by the one-hour mark. That fell to 3 five minutes before the 2nd break. I had 2215, Jon had 3150, and Kathy had a commanding lead with 10635. Kathy busted me out just at the break. That left her with 10220 and Jon with 5780. The heads-up lasted two hands: Jon first showed a flush to double up, then had top-pair with a better kicker to eliminate Kathy. Nice game Jon!
TopNine players this week. We all made it to the first break, but we were down to 6 by the one-hour mark. Only 4 players remained by the second break. Kathy went out just after the break, leaving Jon with the short stack of 1,375. Jim was medium stack with 4.985 and Bruce had the lead with 11,640. Jon lasted 15 more minutes then Bruce busted him out as well. Jim still had 2,120 while Bruce had 15,880. Jim did double up on the next hand, but it wasn't enough. Bruce's lead was just too large and 10 minutes later it was over. Jim had to settle for second as Bruce scored the win!
TopEight players this week. We lost one just before the first break. Down to six players at the one-hour mark. Ten minutes later the they were down to 3. Jon had the short stack with 3,616. Kathy held second with 6,135, and Jim had a slight lead with 6,249. They were still going at the second break. Jon was down to 1,121. Jim had 7,159 and Kathy had taken over the lead with 7,720. Jon was eliminated 5 minutes later. That left Jim with 7,439 and Kathy with 8,561. Still a LOT of poker to play. Or maybe 15 minutes. Jim came back and took the game. Nice game Jim!
TopNINE players this week! We were down to 7 before the first break. Lost three more by the one-hour mark. They were still at 4 players when the second break hit. Adrienne had kicker problems and was eliminated seven minutes after the second break. That left Jim with 3,205; Jon had 4,085; and Bruce was the bug stack with 10,710. Eight minutes later Jim gave his chips to Jon when he hit a straight on the river to beat Jim's trips. Jon was up to 5,405 and Bruce held 12,595. Jon had turned the tables by the 2-hour mark. He had 12,150 and Bruce was down to 5,850. A few hands later and Bruce's pocket kings were crushed by Jon's flush. Nice game Jon!
TopDown to 6 players tonight (sort-of, Bruce was sitting out). We all made it through the first break again. Then we lost one just before the first break - but it wasn't Bruce! He still had a few chips left but was blinded out a few hands later. A couple more hands and Jim fell out. That left Jon with the short stack (1,325); me in second with (4,255); and Kathy with the lead with 6,420. I took out Jon when my pocket kings held up to his pocket queens. That left me with 5,590 to Kathy's 6,410. I lasted about 10 minutes until Kathy's flush beat my straight.
Top7 players this week. This time we all made it through the first break. We had lost one player by the one-hour mark. Ten minutes later we were down to three players. Lecia had the chips lead with 6,860. I was next with 4,135. And Jim was sticking in third with 3,005. Lecia still had the lead at the second break with 5,375. But I had closed the gap with my 5,285. And Jim was still in it with 3,340. Jim lasted about 10 more minutes and then it Lecia and I heads-up. I had taken the chip with 9,930 Lecia still had a good sized stack with 4,070. Things had swapped by the two-hour mark. Lecia had 9,590 and I was down to 4,410. Two hands later it was over. But I had won! I had two very good hands and managed to get paid for them.
TopWe had 8 players again this week. And again we lost one before the first break. This time we still still had 6 players at the one hour mark. They were down to 3 players before the second break. David had the short stack with 2,203. Jon was in second with 4,057. And Kathy had the lead again with 9,740. David fell out just before the second break. That left Jon with 5,055 against Kathy's 10,945. Jon managed to double up , but then Kathy re-took the lead. Jon doubled up again then hit Kathy with pocket kings to take the game. Nice game Jon!
TopWe had 8 players this week - including a new one from Florida! We lost one right at the first break. They were down to 3 players just before the one hour mark. Lecia held third with a respectable 3,595. Jim was in second with 3,825. And Kathy (from her sick bed) held the lead with 8,580. 15 minutes later Jim fell out in third. That left Kathy with 6,610 against Lecia's 9,390. At the second break, Kathy had battled back with her 10,980 chips leading Lecia's 5,020. Twenty minutes later Lecia had turned the tables and busted out Kathy in second place. Good game Lecia!
TopBack to 7 players this week. We lost one before the first break. We were down to 4 by the one hour mark. John lasted a few more minutes and then it was just three. I had the short stack with 2795. Bruce was second with 2920. Jon held the big stack with 8285. I lasted 10 more minutes then Jon took me out with a bigger two pair. He still held a commanding lead over Bruce (11845 to 2155). 5 minutes later Jon river-ed a straight to bust Bruce's trip 9's. Good game Jon!
Top9 players this week! We lost two before the first break. Another two fell out by the one-hour mark. Still four players at the second break. All are fairly healthy so it could be a long game. Lecia dropped out a few minutes before the 2-hour mark. That left Bruce with the short stack (2595). Jim held down second with 7050, and Kathy held a slim lead with 8355. Bruce almost lasted till the third break. But he left Kathy with a huge lead against Jim (14790 to 3210). A few hands later it was over. Kathy river-ed a straight (straights were VERY popular tonight) to relegate Jim to second. Good game Kathy!
Top7 players again this week. We all made it to the first break. We were down to 6 at the one-hour mark. There were four of us left at the second break. Jon lasted another 17 minutes then he left in with the short stack (1666) against Lecia with 4590 and Jim with 7744. I lasted slightly longer, but soon it was Lecia with 6864 against Jim with 7136. It was over before the two-hour mark. Lecia's straight beat out Jim's two-pair to give her first place. Good game Lecia!
Top7 players to start the new year. One of us would take the lead in the championship race. We lost one before the first break. We were down to three at the one hour mark. Jim had the lead with 6195. Jon was second with 5235. I was hanging in with 2570. At the second Break, Jim still had the lead with 7900. I had improved to 4360. Jon was last with 1740. Jon fell out 15 minutes after the break. That left me heads-up with Jim. He had a huge lead. 11030 to my 2970. The game ended just before the two hour mark. Jim and I both hit top pair, but I had the better kicker!