December 26, 2013
December 19, 2013
December 12, 2013
December 5, 2013
November 28, 2013
November 21, 2013
November 14, 2013
November 7, 2013
October 31, 2013
October 24, 2013
October 17, 2013
October 10, 2013
October 3, 2013
September 26, 2013
September 19, 2013
September 12, 2013
September 5, 2013
August 29, 2013
August 22, 2013
August 15, 2013
August 08, 2013
August 01, 2013
July 25, 2013
July 18, 2013
July 11, 2013
July 04, 2013
June 27, 2013
June 20, 2013
June 13, 2013
June 06, 2013
May 30, 2013
May 23, 2013
May 16, 2013
May 09, 2013
May 02, 2013
April 25, 2013
April 18, 2013
April 11, 2013
April 04, 2013
March 28, 2013
March 21, 2013
March 14, 2013
March 07, 2013
February 28, 2013
February 21, 2013
February 14, 2013
February 07, 2013
January 31, 2013
January 24, 2013
January 17, 2013
January 10, 2013
January 03, 2013
6 players this week (actually 5 - David was sitting out). We all made it to the first break (even David). We all made it to the hour mark, although David was definitely the short stack. 15 minutes later they were down to 3. Jon had the short stack with 2565. Jim was second with 3430. And Kathy had the lead with 6005. Very little changed until 10 minutes after the second break. That's when Jon took out Jim and went heads-up with Kathy. Kathy still had the lead, but it was her 7313 to Jon's 4687. The heads-up battle lasted 5 minutes. During that time, Jon took a commanding lead, but Kathy recovered and won the race to the finish. Nice game Kathy!
TopThe players straggled in, and when they had all arrived we had 7 players. We lost two before the first break. Jim fell out a few minutes before the hour mark and we were down to three. David had the short stack with 1785. I was in second with 2735. Bruce had the big stack with 9480. David lasted until 10 minutes after the hour. Then it was me with 5910 against Bruce with 8090. We were still going strong at the second break. I had taken a strong lead, but Bruce fought back and took the lead. He had 7365 to my 6635. A close game. Fifteen minutes and several lead changes later, I managed to put Bruce away. It was a good heads-up battle!
TopEIGHT players tonight! Looks like everyone wants to squeeze in a few more games before the end of the year! We lost THREE before the first break. 12 minutes later they were down to three. Bruce had 3895. Jon was slightly ahead with 4010. Jim had the lead with 8095. With three healthy stacks it was looking like a good end game. Not much had changed by the 1 hour mark. Jon had slipped back to third with 3465. Bruce was right there with 3730, and Jim had stretched his lead to 8805. Still anyone's game. Ten minutes later, things had changed A LOT! Jon took out Bruce with his pocket jacks. This put Jon in the lead over Jim with 9370 to Jim's 6630. At the second break, Jon had extended his lead to 12,795. Jim still had 3,205 but he had to make a move soon. It took Jon 15 minutes, but he wore Jim down to take the game. Nice job Jon!
Top6 players tonight. We all made it to the first break, but we were down to 3 players 18 minutes later. Jim had the short stack with 1905. Lecia was second with 2410. I held the big stack with 7685. Three minutes later Lecia and I were heads-up when she cracked Jim's aces. She had moved up to 4715, while I had 7285. Things had changed by the hour mark. I had the short stack with 5905 and Lecia had the big stack with 6095. I had taken back the lead by the second break. I had 7040 to Lecia's 4960. That didn't last long. 5 minutes later she had knocked me out when she hit trip 9's to my pocket jacks. Good game Lecia!
Top5 players tonight. Lecia sat out the whole game so there were really 4. We all made it to the first break. Lecia fell out right at the one hour mark, leaving four of us playing on. Kathy busted out about 10 minutes later. This left me with the short stack of 1160, Jon was next with 3435, and Jim had the lead with 5405. I lasted a while longer but Jim busted me just before the second break. He had 5425 to Jon's 4575. At the second break, Jim still had the lead with 6140, Jon was holding on with 3860. But Jon turned it around in just a few hands and took the game in just two more minutes!
Top6 players tonight. We all made it to the first break. They were down to 3 players before the 1 hour mark. Kathy held the 3rd spot with 1,741 chips. Jon was in second with 2,395. But Jim held a big lead with 7.864 chips. Jim fell to Kathy's quad kings just before the second break. That left Jon with 5,144 to Kathy's 6,856. 13 minutes later Kathy fell to Jon's aces. Good game Jon!
Unfortunately, Jon needed at least 7 players tonight - now he can't catch me for the championship.
Top8 players tonight. We all made it to the first break. We were down to 3 players by the 1 hour mark. Lecia had 3050, I had 4855, and Jon had the lead with 8095. Lecia fell out a few minutes later. That left me (8705) heads-up with Jon (7295). At the second break, Jon had 6065 and I had increased my lead to 9935. I managed to press my lead and won it 12 minutes later. Technically, Jon can still steal the championship, but he'll have to win from here on out.
TopWe had 7 players tonight (sorta). Kathy and I were late (K-Mart had my car towed) and Lecia sat out the whole game (at a hockey game). We lost one before the first break (not Lecia). We lost another before the one hour mark (still not Lecia). A few minutes later we were down to three. Jon was the short stack with 2075, Jim had 5445 and I had 6480. At the second break, Jon had climbed to 3550, I had dropped to 4580 and Jim had taken the lead with 5870. I fell out 13 minutes after the break. Jim still had the lead with 7925, but Jon was close behind with 6075. At the two hour mark, Jon had slipped to 4500 and Jim had 9500. Jon lasted 12 more minutes, but then Jim's pocket pair was bigger than Jon's and he had to settle for second. Nice game Jim!
TopThe spirits kept a number of players away from the game tonight (including me). Lecia took first place against of field of 5 players. The game only lasted a little over an hour and I missed the whole thing. You'll have to talk to either Lecia or Jim to find out the interesting hands. Good game Lecia!
I later found out Lecia high a straight flush to bust Jim's Ace-high flush. (ouch!).
TopEight players this week. We lost one before the first break. We lost another by the one hour mark. Two more were gone before the second break. Big John fell out a couple of minutes after the break. That left Jon with 2219, Jim had 4160, and I had 9621. Things had changed by the second hour mark. Jim was short stack with 4165, I was right behind with 4646, and Jon was the leader with 7189. Jim fell out a few minutes later. That left me with the big stack (10561) against Jon's 5439. Fifteen minutes later it was over. Jon played a great heads-up game to take the lead, then the game. Nice game Jon!
TopSeven players this week. We lost two before the first break. We lost another just before the one hour mark. That left Jim with 3625, David had 3955, and Jon held the lead with 6420. At the second break, Jim was hanging on with 1635, David held a comfortable second with 3802, and Jon still had the lead with 8563. Things changed quickly after the break. David fell out leaving Jon with 6843 chips facing Jim's 7157. At the two hour mark, Jim had extended his lead. It was now 9797 to 4203. By the third break, there had been a lot of good play and Jim had stretched his lead a little. He had 11037 to Jon's 2963. After the break the pendulum swung quickly and it only took Jon 7 minutes to take the lead and then the game from Jim. Nice game Jon!
TopEight players this week. We lost one before the first break. We lost two more by the 1 hour mark. Ten minutes later we were down to three. Lecia had a huge lead with 12985, I was in second with 1790, and Jim held third with 1225. At the second break, I was the short stack with 3081, Lecia had 4825 and Jim had 8094. Lecia lasted 8 minutes after the break, then she left Jim and I heads-up. I had 3341 to Jim's 12659. By the two hour mark, I had 8882 and Jim was down to 7118. The game ended 5 minutes before the third break (I don't think I ever made it to the 3rd break) when my pocket 8's held up to take Jim out.
TopSeven players this week. We all made it to the first break. We down to 4 players by the 1 hour mark. Jim went out 5 minutes after the hour mark. That left Jon with 3145, Kathy had 4905, and I had a slight lead with 5950. Kathy lasted 13 minutes then she fell to my flush. That left me with 6920 to Jon's 7080. At the break, I had taken the lead with 10825 to Jon's 3175. We only lasted 3 minutes after the break. I river-ed a second pair to bust Jon's better pair. Better to be lucky than good.
TopNine players this week! We lost one before the first break. We lost two more before the 1 hour mark. There were four of us left at the 2nd break. Jon lasted a few hands then he left it to me (3105), Jim (3285) and Bruce (11610) to battle it out. Bruce was the first to blink. He busted out about 10 minutes before the 2 hour mark. That left Jim with 3478 to my 14522. I managed to steal the game on the river when my two pair turned into a full house to beat Jim's better two pair.
TopEight players this week! We all made it to the first break. We lost four before the one hour mark. At Three minutes after the break Jon was blinded out. He never played a hand all night (of course he wasn't there - so it's understandable). That left David with 690, Barb had 1915 and Bruce was going for a double with 13395. Barb made a great showing, but she fell about 10 minutes later. David had built his stack to 1505 and Bruce had the rest (14495). David fought to his last chip, but he fell as well. Another good game Bruce!
TopSeven players this week and again we all made it to the first break. We lost one before the one hour mark and two more before the second break. Lecia went out just before the break. That left Jim with 2695, Bruce had 4337, and Kathy had the lead again with 6968. Jim was eliminated 5 minutes after the break. Bruce still had 3317 and Kathy had a good lead with 10683. Bruce made a great comeback to take the game in 10 minutes. Good game Bruce!
TopSix players this week and we all made it to the first break. We lost one before the one hour mark and another before the second break. Jim fell out a few hands after the break. That left Lecia with 1369, David had 1984, and Kathy held a good lead with 8647. Lecia put up a good fight, but she was out next. That left David with 2409 and Kathy had 9591. David almost made it to the two hour mark, but Kathy was a powerhouse and he had to settle for second. Good game Kathy!
TopEight players this week. Kathy didn't join until just after the first break due to her new work hours. We all made it to the first break. We were down to 4 players by the one hour mark. Nine minutes later Barb fell out leaving me with 3757, Jim had 5028, and Jon had the lead with 7215. We all made it to the second break. Jon had dropped to third with 1978, I had 5054 and Jim held the lead with 8968. Jon fell out 15 minutes after the break. That left Jim with 7650, I had a slight lead with 8350. We battled until the 2nd hour mark, then took me out with a better kicker. Good game Jim!
TopSeven players again this week. We all made it to the first break. They dropped to 3 players right at the one hour mark. David was the short stack with 1455. Jim was second with 6090. And Kathy had the lead with 6455. David lasted 10 minutes, then he fell - leaving Kathy (6560) face Jim (7440). Three hands later it was over and Jim was reeling from the knock-out. Good game Kathy!!
TopSeven players this week. We lost one before the first break. Twenty minutes later we were down to three. I was short stack with 1785, Jim was next with 4020 and Jon had the lead with 8195. At the one hour mark, I had 2020, Jim had 2690, and Jon was still big stack with 9290. 15 minutes later Jim dropped out leaving me (1650) heads-up with Jon (12350). The next hand I was all-in and he hit an ace on the river to bust my pocket sixes. Good game Jon!
TopWe were back to 8 players this week. We lost one just before the first break. We lost two more before the one hour mark. We were down to 4 players by the second break. Kathy fell out 7 minutes after the break leaving Jon with 3755, I had 5822, and Bruce had 6423. We were still at it when we hit the two hour mark. I was short stack with 1952. Jon was second with 4605. Bruce had the lead with 9443. Bruce fell out about 10 minutes later. Jon had the lead with 8388 but I was close behind with 7612. Heads-up lasted ten minutes, but I managed to get pocket kings to hold up over a flush draw to take the game!
TopSix players again this week. We lost our first player after 3 minutes. And another player 3 minutes after that. We lost our third just before the first break. That left John with 2345, I had 3305, and Jim had the lead with 6350. John lasted about 15 minutes then he fell to Jim. That left me with 1568 and Jim had 10432. I lasted another 10 minutes, but then I fell as well. Good game Jim!
TopOnly six players this week. Everyone made it to the first break. Lost 1 player about 4 minutes after the break. Another fell 6 minute later. 7 minutes later we were down to 3. Jim had 1150, I had 2425 and Jon had the big lead with 8425. At the hour mark there were still 3 of us. I had 965, Jim had 2070, and Jon had 8965. 15 minutes later it was Jon and I heads-up. He had 5865 and I had a slight lead with 6135. Jon had gained the lead by the second break. He had 7910 to my 4090. The game lasted 12 more minutes. I managed a couple of good hands to pass Jon and win the game.
TopSeven players this week. We lost one before the first break (victim to multiple nut flushes). 15 minutes later they were down to 3 players. Jim had a nice lead with 7875, Lecia was second with 3115, and David was right behind her with 3010. At the 1 hour mark, Lecia had taken the lead with 7220, Jim was in second with 4690, and David had 2090. At the second break, Lecia still had the lead with 7855, Jim was closing with 5345, and David had dropped to 800. He went out 2 hands later leaving Lecia (7790) heads-up with Jim (6210). Jim doubled up when he river-ed a straight over Lecia's trip kings. Lecia fought back, but Jim was able to grind it out. Nice game Jim!
TopThis was our first international game with me playing from France. We had eight players and everyone made it past the one hour mark. They they started dropping like flies. A few minutes before the second break we were down to 3. I had 1710, Bruce had 6155, and Kathy had 8135. Bruce dropped a little and by the second break hew was down to 2700, I had 3675 and Kathy had 9625. 15 minutes later I was out and it was Kathy with 7894 vs Bruce's 8106. Little had changed by the 2 hour mark. Kathy had 7284 and Bruce had 8716. Kathy took the next hand and although Bruce put up a good fight it just wasn't his night. Congratulations Kathy!
TopJon was the only one who showed, so Poker Stars cancelled the game
TopEight players again this week. Actually - it was 6. Lecia and David sat out the whole game. We had lost one player at the break which left us with 5 players and 2 squatters. The seven (?) of us were still left at the hour mark. We lost one three minutes after the hour mark. The blinds took care of David and Lecia 4 minutes later. (so the answer to how long it takes to be blinded out is 1:07). The four of us were still in it at the second break. 12 minutes after the break, Bruce went out leaving Jim (2433), Jon (3278), and me (10,289). Jim went out right at the 2 hour mark. This left Jon with 6130 and I had 9870. Another quick heads-up and 4 minutes later a had a second win in a row!
TopEight players this week. Two were eliminated before the first break. We lost one just after the break, and another 5 minutes later. Five minutes later we were down to 3. John (not Jon) was short stack with 4235, Jim had 4620 and I had the lead with 7145. Five minutes before the hour mark, Jim took John out leaving him with 6130 and I had 9870. I had AQ then next hand and Jim had pocket 10s. The heads-up battle lasted one hand when I hit my queen on the flop to take out Jim.
TopEight players again this week. We lost one before the first break. And another one a few minutes after the break. There were still six of us at the one hour mark. We were down to 5 a few minutes later. Down to 4 in a few more minutes. Kathy fell out a few minutes before the second break. That left David with 980. Jim was a close second with 7030. And I had the chip lead with 7990. There were still three at the second break. David was third with 2710. Jim still in second with 6615. I had a tiny lead with 6675. David lasted 20 minutes then Jim took him out. That left me short-stacked (1490) against Jim's 14510. I lasted about 3 minutes than Jim hit an ace to crack my pocket tens. Good game Jim.
TopEight players this week. We lost two before the first break. Ten minutes after the break we were down to 5. Ten more minutes and we were down to 4. We were down to three just before the one hour mark. Jon was the short stack with 1440. Kathy had second with 4150. I had the lead with 10410. A few minutes later Jon fell out leaving Kathy with 5340 while I had 10660. We battled for about 15 minutes but I couldn't hold out. She took me out by hitting trips twice in a row. Good game Kathy!
TopDown to seven players this week. Kathy had the best hand of the night. A Royal Flush early in the night - you can see it here. We all made it to the first break. Our first player fell out 10 minutes later. 10 minutes after that we were down to 4. A couple of hands later Jon fell out to leave three. David was short stack with 2945, Kathy was second with 5080, and Lecia had a slight lead with 5975. At the one hour mark, Kathy took a big pot to take the lead with 9140 chips. Lecia had 2755 and David was still short stack with 2105. Kathy took out Lecia in 7 minutes to leave her heads-up with David. She has a significant lead 12805 to 1195. She took out David on the next hand when she flopped a set of kings. Nice game Kathy!
TopEight players this week (Welcome back - Big John). We all made it to the first break. The first player went out about 8 minutes before the hour mark. We lost another one right at hour mark. A minute later we were down to 5. 8 minutes later it was down to 4 players. I was out a few minutes later. That left John with 4220, Jim had 5730, and Bruce had 6050. Three very healthy stacks. All three made it to the second break. Jim was now short-stack with 3845. Bruce had fallen to second with 5155. And, with 7000 chips, John was now the chip leader. Still very evenly matched. 8 minutes after the break, Jim missed his straight draw and Bruce took his chips. That put John with 7390 against Bruce with 8610 heads-up. Unlike last week, this battle only took 4 minutes. Bruce ended up with the bigger flush to take out John and take the win. Good Game Bruce!
TopSix players this week - actually 5 since Lecia was sitting out. She showed about 12 minutes late, then it was 6 players. We all made it to the first break. The first player blinked seven minutes later. Nine minutes later I fell out also. Jim went out just before the hour mark. That left Bruce with the short stack (1930). Lecia was a close second with 4915. Jon had the big stack with 5255. Bruce was out 5 minutes later when Lecia had him out-kicked. that left Lecia still in second with 5685 and Jon was up to 6315. Jon had extended his lead by the second break. He had 9310 to Lecia's 2690. By the two hour mark the lead had changed a number of times and it looked like they might be going for a record. Jon had a slight lead (6500 to 5500), but it was anyone's game. More back and forth and it was the third break (that's right - THIRD break). Lecia had the lead now, 8840 to Jon's 3160. There was 5 minutes of play left before breaking the old heads-up record. After 88 minutes of heads-up Lecia managed to put it away. Very nice job!
TopSeven players this week. We lost one right at the first break. One more a few minutes after the one hour mark. And another one a few minutes later. Kathy went out a few minutes before the second break. This left me with 3681. Bruce had 4780. And Jim was chip leader with 5539. At the break, I had 4021, Bruce had 4400, and Jim had 5579. I only lasted a few hands after the break. The it was Jim (6145) heads up with Bruce (7855). They were still grinding it out at the two hour mark. Bruce had dropped to 4930 and Jim had climbed to 9070. Eight minutes later Bruce made a set of aces to put Jim away. Good game Bruce!
TopEight players this week. All eight of us made it to the first break. The first player went out 5 minutes after play resumed. We lost another 10 minutes later. Five minutes later another dropped out. The remaining five players made it to the one hour mark. Another went out 7 minutes after the hour. Jim went out less than a minute before the second break, leaving Kathy with 1735, Bruce had 4130, and I was chip leader with 10135. Kathy went out the next hand leaving Bruce with 4035 and I went up to 11965. 2 hands later the break came and Bruce was at 4110 and I had 11890. The heads-up battle lasted 6 minutes. I was getting cards and he wasn't. End Of Story.
TopSeven players again this week. We lost one before the first break. And another one just after the break. I fell out about 10 minutes after the break. Bruce went out a few minutes later. That left Kathy (2605), Lecia (4455) and Jon (6940). Kathy missed her flush draw to Lecia's pair of queens to finish in third. That left Lecia with the lead (7150) to Jon's 6850. They were still battling at the one hour mark. Jon had taken the lead with 7540, but Lecia was still healthy with 6460. Still going at the second break. Jon had increased his lead to 9805, but Lecia still had 4195 and is always dangerous. 10 minutes after the break, Lecia's queens were out kicked when Jon had the ace to her king. Nice game Jon!
TopBack to seven players this week. We all made it to the first break. Lost one a few minutes after the break. And another one 5 minutes later. David fell out about 10 minutes before the hour mark. I went out just after the hour mark. That left Jon with 2025, Jim had 4930, and Kathy had 7045. Jon went out a few minutes later. Jim had crept up to 6120 and Kathy had 7880. Jim got an early double up and while Kathy fought back, he managed to avoid all her traps and took first place. Nice game Jim!
TopEight players this week. I was first out when Kathy and I both flopped full-houses (but hers was better). They lost one more about 15 minutes after the break. And one more just before the one hour mark. Kathy fell out five minute after the hour, that left 4 players. Barb went out 10 minutes before the second break. That left Lecia with 4,310; Jim had 5,055; and Jon held the lead with 6,635. They were still battling it out at the second break. Lecia had dropped to 3,915; Jim was down to 3,110; and Jon had stretched his lead to 8,975. Jim went out a few minutes after the break. Lecia had moved up to 5,095. But Jon still had the big stack with 10,905. Lecia lasted a little longer - but it was Jon's night. Good game Jon!
TopSeven players again this week. Again everyone made it to the first break. The first one went out 15 minutes after the break and another one 5 minutes after that. We had 5 players at the one hour mark. 5 minutes later we lost two of those in the same hand. Despite Kathy having aces 4 times, she wasn't one of the final three (in fact she didn't get paid for ANY of her aces). The final three was Me with 3741, Lecia with 4095, and Bruce had 6164. Bruce fell quickly and was out 10 minutes before the second break. That left Lecia with 6515 and I had 7485. It was a good battle for ten minutes, but I managed to grind her down to take first place. I hope my luck holds here at the casino!
TopBack to seven players this week. We all made it to the first break. The first one went out 10 minutes after the break. We lost two more just before the one hour mark. And Bruce went out just after the hour mark. That left Jim with 2,235; Jon had 4.205; and I had the lead with 7,560. Jim went out a few minutes later. That left Jon with 5,335 to my 8,665. 10 minutes later Jon fell when I had the bigger straight.
TopSorry I missed this one, so I can't give much of a report. I know there were 6 players. Barb came in second and Bruce took his first win of the year. Congratulations Bruce!
TopBack to seven players this week. We lost two before the first break. Five minutes after the break we were down to 4. David fell out less than 10 minutes later leaving Lecia with 1,910. Jim had 3,140 and Jon had the monster stack with 8,950. At the one hour mark, Lecia was hanging in with 1,540. Jim had improved to 4,380 and Jon still had a good lead with 8,080. Lecia went out about 10 minutes later when Jon out-kicked her pair of 9s. Jim still had a nice stack at 4,035 and Jon had moved up to 9,965. Jim almost made it to the second break, but Jon came from behind on the flop to Jim's' fate. Nice game Jon!
TopEight players this week. We lost one before the first break. We lost another 5 minutes after the break. We lost three more just before the hour mark. That left me with 2680, Jon with 3295 and Jim had the big stack at 10025. Jon fell out just before the second break. That left me with 3463 to Jim's 12537. Not much changed by the break. I had 2298 and Jim had 13702. I'd caught up a little by the two-hour mark. I had 5991 and Jim had 10009. Jim took me out just before the third break. It was a good back and forth battle, but he got the best of it (this time).
TopSeven players again this week (more like 6.5 - Barb sat out the first 10 minutes). We all made it to the first break. In fact, we all made it to the one hour mark. Three players couldn't make it to the second break, so we played on with 4. Jim fell out on the first hand after the break. That left Jon with 3225, I had 4810 and David had 5965. We each had a chance to win. David almost made it to the 2-hour mark then he fell to Jon's better pair. I had 4550 to Jon's 9450. We were still going strong at the 2 hour mark. I had 6530 and Jon had 7470. It was a hard fought battle, but I managed a pretty nice come-back to relegate Jon to second again.
TopSeven players this week. We all made it to the first break. We lost one a few minutes after the break. We still had six at the one hour mark. We lost two more by the second break. I fell out just before the 2 hour mark. That left David and Jon tied with 1,770 and Barb with the big stack at 10,460. David was the next out which left Jon (2,070) facing Barb (11,930) heads-up. He lasted a while, but eventually she put him in his place (2nd place). Good game Barb!
TopJust 6 players this week. Lecia and David must have been off having a nice Valentine's Day. We lost one at the break. I fell out at the 45 minute mark. There were still 4 players at the one hour mark. Bruce went out about 15 minutes before the second break. That left three players with good stack. Jim had 3,680; Barb had 4,030; and Jon took the lead with 4,290. A few minutes later Barb took Jim out to take the chip lead (8,085 chips to Jon's 3,915). By the second break Barb had stretched her lead (9,990 to Jon's 2,010). Jon lasted about 10 minutes after the second break, but then Barb hit trips on the river to send him out.
TopEight players this week. We lost one before the break. We were down to 4 by the one hour mark. We lost David just before the second break. That left Jon with 2,275; Bruce with 3,280 and I had the big stack with 10,445. Bruce went out a few minutes before the two-hour mark when I river-ed a straight to bust his pocket 9's. That left Jon (1,467) heads-up with me (14,533). The game lasted a few more minutes, but my strategy of having a huge chip lead allowed me to wait for a good hand. Jon had to settle for second.
TopSeven players this week. We lost one 5 minutes before the break. I went out about 10 minutes after the break leaving 5 players. Jon went out right at the one hour mark. That left four players still standing. Kathy went out the next hand. That left David with 3,380, Jim had 4,830 and Lecia had the lead with 5,790. Everyone was close enough to make it interesting. Lecia lost out to David's better full house (he'll be sleeping in the garage) about 5 minutes before the second break. Her chips gave David the chip lead with 8,968 but Jim was still a contender with 5,032. David hit 2 pair to take Jim out just before the break. Nice game David!
TopFive players again this week (sort of). I didn't show up until after the first break. One dropped out before I even got there. So, when I checked in, we were still at four. I fell out just before the one hour mark. That left Jim (1,030), Jon (1,625) and Kathy (7,345). Jon fell out just before the second break. That left Kathy (4,900) heads-up with Jim (5,100). They took turns with the chips lead, but at the 2 hour mark it was Kathy with 3,440 and Jim had 6,560. Jim's experience won out and Kathy had to settle for second. Jim's picking up where he left off.
TopSeven players again this week. We lost one a few minutes before the first break. Lost another one a few minutes after the break. There were still 5 of us at the one hour mark. 5 minutes later we lost another and was down to 4. Jim went out 2 minutes before the second break. That left Jon with 865, David with 1055 and I had the lead with 12080. I took out Jon in the next hand leaving me (13040) heads-up with David (960). I had stretched my lead a little by the second break (13305 to 695). I was waiting for the knock-out punch. The battle lasted 4 minutes. David did double up but he had an uphill struggle and I could wait for a good hand. He had to settle for second.
TopSeven players this week as we're starting to get into the groove. We lost one just before the first break. We lost another before the one hour mark. And another one just after the one hour mark. I fell out 10 minutes before the second break. That left Lecia with 2720 (many which used to be mine). Jim had 3324 and Kathy had the lead with 7956. At the second break, Lecia was still the short stack with 1017. Kathy had slipped to second with 5751 and Jim had the lead with 7232. It looked like it could last a while. A few hands after the break, Jim took out Kathy when the river gave him a better full house. That left Lecia with 997 and Jim had an overwhelming lead with 13003. A few hands later Jim's pocket aces held up to Lecia's top pair to give him the win. Nice Game Jim!
TopSix players started the first tournament of the year. This gave me a good shot to lead at least once. One more joined a few minutes in giving us 7 players. We all made it to the first break. We lost one a few minutes after the break. Lost another just before the hour mark. I fell out just after the hour mark (aces against quads!). Lecia was eliminated 3 minutes before the second break. That left Harry with just 225, Jim had 615 and Jon had the super-stack with 13,160. Harry lasted 2 hands and then his trip kings lost to Jim's flush. Jim now had 610 and Jon had 13,390. A couple more hand and Jon out-kicked Jim to take the lead in the 2013 championship race. Congratulations Jon!