All Aces was well represented last weekend at the WSOP Circuit event in Cherokee. Peter, Marc, Dave, Jon, Jerry and Kathy all went.
The Senior Event started at 9:00 AM and all the club members played. Dave busted out early and re-bought. Jerry went out Afte about 2.5 hours. Dave went out around the same time.
Marv went out just before the second break (4 hours in). Kathy, Jon, and Peter are still in. There are 986 entries. Kathy and Jon busted at the same time (a little over 6 hours of play). There are 270 players left. Peter battled on, but missed the money by finishing in 140th. They paid the top 99.
The next day was the 50k deep-stack tournament. Peter, Jerry and Kathy all played. (Jon, Dave, and Marv went home). This event started at 2:00 pm. Peter lasted about 5 hours. Kathy about 6 hours.
Jerry survived the dinner break and went back with 110k chips (about average) (270 left out of the 644 starting entries). At the 4th break (8 hours) Jerry had 200k - the blinds were 8k/16k with 2k ante. There are 120 left (top 72 get paid). He made the money a little over an hour later. 30 minutes later he was out in 61st place to cash for $393. (his first WSOP cash).