A number of us went out to Cherokee for the WSOP Circuit events. Here's how we did:
April 4th
David and Lori Kimbro were the first to arrive. They went over to check out the casino. Kathy and I arrived just in time to check in and play the Thursday on-line game (I won!). Jon and family arrived a little later.
April 5th
Jon and David played in the noon $365 No Limit ring event. David lasted about an hour before being knocked out. Jon lasted over 5 hours before he went out in about 600th (out of over 900).
Kathy, Lori and I played in the $130 7:00 PM nightly tournament. It actually started around 9:00 PM because the turnout was MUCH greater than they expected and everything was running late. We all made it to the first break (1.5 hours). Lori fell out somewhere before the second break, but Kathy and I were still in it. I fell out just after midnight in about 120th (out of 450). Kathy hung in there and made it to the money! She lasted until 3:00 AM and finished in 18th place. She earned almost $500.
April 6th
David decided to try the Ring event again. He did much better making it until 8:00 PM, when the broke the game - so he made it to the second day. Lori, Jon, and I decided to try the cash games. Cherokee was using the PokerPro machines. I've heard they usually use dealers, but the WSOP was using them all! Jon and I didn't have much time, so only played about an hour. I was down $35 and Jon was down a little more. Lori played longer and cam away a couple of hundred up!
Kathy & I hung out with Jon and family. We went gem "mining" and "panned" for gold. A good time was had by all and Kathy managed to spend her winnings. We met up with Lori and Jon for dinner.
April 7th
Jon and family headed home. David went to play he's second day. Kathy & I started our Senior Tournament at 10:00 AM and Lori headed back to the cash game. David ended-up around 200th a little short of the money, but a great showing. Lori ended up down a little, but played for over 5 hours. I lasted a little over 5 hours and finished around 250th out of 648. Kathy made a good run and I thought she was going to cash again. She lasted two more hours then the cards turned and she had to settle for 108th. Just 36 out of the money.
We had a great time and the competition wasn't too tough. I'm hoping we can get more of the club out next year!